From Peru with Love Part 7 "Problems and Solutions"

In Peru we experienced a number of problems. One of the major ones was our team trying to adjust to the food and living conditions. Explosive diarrhea was unfortunately an ongoing experience for many on the team. Some team memebers needed to lay out for almost a whole day.
Solutions to this problem came in the way of drugs and lots of prayer.
Another experience that looked like a problem was the living situations in Peru. My american endrenched mind was working overtime on how we in America could improve their lives! Then I received clarification. I am wishing my life on theirs. Although my life is not that great but with Christ it is great! Most of the Peruvians who were living below the poverty line were happy. The ones who were miserable were comparing their lives to us "Rich Americans" and they thought that if they have more, they will be happy.
I was overjoyed to hear that over 40 Peruvians in Bonengra accepted Christ!
O'Malley shared the info to me on what is happening. Apparently the little creature I finally spotted is Peruvian. He noticed our team come in and immediately his powers went to work. This creature is an embodiment of "love from da heavens above"! According to "Rap Fella"!
Solutions to this problem came in the way of drugs and lots of prayer.
Another experience that looked like a problem was the living situations in Peru. My american endrenched mind was working overtime on how we in America could improve their lives! Then I received clarification. I am wishing my life on theirs. Although my life is not that great but with Christ it is great! Most of the Peruvians who were living below the poverty line were happy. The ones who were miserable were comparing their lives to us "Rich Americans" and they thought that if they have more, they will be happy.
I was overjoyed to hear that over 40 Peruvians in Bonengra accepted Christ!
O'Malley shared the info to me on what is happening. Apparently the little creature I finally spotted is Peruvian. He noticed our team come in and immediately his powers went to work. This creature is an embodiment of "love from da heavens above"! According to "Rap Fella"!
What transpired is in emitting his powers to soften our hearts and let love in, it accidently softened something else. Our body systems run a little differently than Peruvians do, so while the team experienced explosive results, the Peruvians we experiencing peace, especially the gangs. GOD was definately a large part of this, but he sent this little creature down since it did request to help Peru.
When we were leaving it grew attached to us, just like the Peruvians did and smuggled itself on board to my suitcase. Since it was mostly spirit it did not weight anything but its physical form left a shape and created footprints wherever it went.
Unfortunately we have a dilemmia, because the creature was calming the gangs of Bonengra, and with it gone, chaos was happening. With it in North Minneapolis, they never experienced such peace.
Rap Fella and O'Malley make the scene!
O'Malley; Time to do your work "Rap Fella"
Rap Fella; I made da scene ta make everything clean!
The creature was sad that it had to leave, but it was glad to see these gang member play nice for once. Rap Fella extended his hands and O'Malley and I received word from our contacts in the hospital that all cases of diarrhea were disappearing! Rap Fella and the creature of "Love" flew back to Peru to help calm the gangs in Bonengra.
I then remembered that I forgot to ask why Leon, Adam and myself were not affected by the misapplied love?
O'Malley had the answer. He stated that Leon and I were preventing everything by drugs. Adam had a different thing going! As Seth had stated "Some people got and Adam has all of it"! Adam had the "Love going on strong, to the point of many ladies in Peru swooning over him"!
Next Time From Peru with Love Part 8 "Meet Adam Craven"
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