From Peru with Love Part 3 "Community"

The community of Boneneca was amazing! What looks like a bombed out city is actually a slow build in progress of what they can afford. The Peruvians build their houses straight up, by building upon the existing structure. It was good to see the families working together.
I also enjoyed the food. I find it hard to understand how one can be joyful spending the majority of their day in their kitchen, but they love serving the family and they do it well! Unfortunately not everyone on the team was able to enjoy the food like I did. Most of the team got sick.
Jokingly one of the community bonding moments happened Tuesday night thru early Wednesday morning, as I came to the house for breakfast, the other twelve members of our team reported having a "Explosive Diarrhea Party"! Not exactly my idea of a fun time, but it was their way of copeing by joking about it. Unfortunately many were laid up but the work still got done and many that were sick still pushed themselves and completed projects.
I really enjoyed Mark Darling message on "Disappointment" and I thought about the Peruvians on how they rarely let their circumstances disappoint them. Their main way of life is "Community" and this is where we got to witness alot of Boneneca's warmth.
I arrived at our annual all church gathering and it was good to see the many faces that I rarely get to see on a weekly basis. The message of going "Back" and then towards the "Future" was clever, and I hope to see the church in Boneneca grow in this way?
After a greasy meal at "Little T's" I got back home and found my roomie Lizzy, watching movies. I asked him some questions about the suitcase.
Keith; Hey Lizzy, I appreciate the humor, but how did you do it?
Lizzy; ??? What are you talking about?
Keith; My suitcase and then the muddy footprints.
Lizzy; I have no idea what you are talking about?
Keith; Are you pulling a prank?
Lizzy; I don't have time to pull any pranks, with planning the wedding with Cheryl, working two jobs, and full time church duties! What are you talking about?
Lizzy and I go upstairs as I show him the suitcase, and then I show him the dried mud footprints on the patio. Lizzy went pale, and stated that he did not do this and was wondering where this thing might be?
Keith; Looks like we got a mystery on our hands?
Next Time; From Peru with Love "Team Up"
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