a Wonderful Wife Part 11 "Blue Hell"

My wife became very upset and I could not figure out why? As I carried my duffle bag out to the car. Elizabeth was kind enough to pack my duffle bag with stuff I need before kicking me out of the house. The kids were crying and I did not know what to do.
I walked over to Kurt Johnson's house, but I found out that Kurt's wife Krista kicked him out too. I asked Krista where Kurt might be, but she just turned red with anger and slamed the door. Very odd!
I checked each house in the neighborhood, and with each house, the wife had kicked the husband out.
Then sky started to turn blue and it looked like fire was dancing through the sky? The fire took on the shape of a face and in it's mouth was the "Weisman Art Center" and the blue fire face said "Help me!!!"
I woke up in a cold sweet! It is 3;30 am Monday.
Elizabeth; What is wrong honey? You look pale!?
Keith; Another bad dream.
Elizabeth holds me and says; You have been having bad dreams all weekend. Please see the therapist at my workplace. I believe she can help.
Keith; Dear, you know what I think about therapists.
Elizabeth; I know, but please try this? For me?
Keith; Ok...book an appointment, for next week.
Elizabeth; Honey!
Keith; Ok...for tomorrow?
Elizabeth; I will call her now.
Keith; She is up at this hour?
Elizabeth; She has an automated scheduler that lists her schedule.
Keith; Oh.
Keith thinks; While I wait for the schedule I should investigate the Weisman and see what information I can obtain.
Keith; Dear...I need to step out for some fresh air.
Elizabeth; Ok...can I do anything to help?
Keith; Yes...Please pray for me.
Elizabeth; I love you Keith.
Keith; I love you too Elizabeth.
I dress in black, since it can serve as a dual purpose. Most of the art crowd dresses in black, and it will help me sneak around parts of the Weisman that might be restricted?
After an hour of looking around, I find nothing and I am about to leave when I notice one of the paintings shine with blue light, and I hear a voice.
Blue Fire Alien; Are you Time Agent Keith? It is so hard for me to concentrate...
Keith; Yes. I am the one you speak off, but I must be dreaming? Did I become bored with the museum and fall asleep in a corner of the this art building?
Blue Fire Alien; No, you did not...Please follow me, and try to keep quiet.
The alien leads me to a sculpture, that happens to have a secret passage way. I climb down and I see an entryway lit in blue light. Then the unexpected happens! My cell phone rings, and it's my wife Elizabeth, probably wondering where I am at?
Alarms go off!
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 12 "One Last Dance"
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