a Wonderful Wife Part 12 "One Last Dance"

On another screen in this hell I see Ben Robison and the Galileen Time Agency crew!
Then I hear a voice!
Blue Fire Alien; Time Agent Keith...I am glad that you got here safely.
Keith; What is going on? What is this place?
Blue Fire Alien; I will tell you the story of what has transpired since you were gone.
Keith; Gone? Oh yeah, I vaguely remember this. I am starting to understand what is reality. What is really happening here on Earth?
Blue Fire Alien; Me and my brethern were ready to leave this world, and then I heard one man's cries. This man works for the Galileen Time Agency. He told me of his situation and I sympathizied, and as I was about to leave, I found myself being manipulated into creating the utopian world that you have been experiencing and love, but I only had so much energy and had to separate the realities, but this hell place is not anything like the real world is either. It is much worse!
Keith; You said that an Agent from the Galileen Time Agency made you do this?
Blue Fire Alien; Yes! His name is...
Donovan; Donovan! Yes that is my name! You can call me the ruler of this world!
Keith; Donovan? I am starting to remember you. You are one of our tech heads at the agency?
Donovan; Yes, I am! How did you get here Time Agent?
Keith; I was actually drawn here by our blue fire alien friend!
Blue Fire Alien; Donovan is no friend of anyones but his own.
Donovan; All that will change when I achieve my goal.
Keith; Enlighten me to your goal.
Donovan; Soon, the one I love will come back to me.
Keith; What? You changed this world to fit one need?
Blue Fire Alien; Started his wish by asking me to bless this world with love, and so I did. Everyone that wanted someone, received someone to love, but I did not know that Donovan was trying to change the heart of his ex-Wife. He then restrained and controled me to banish people who would not accept love, like criminals and other sinners to his hand crafted hell. He had me push love harder, but single people who love being single rebelled, and he sent them to hell. At this point, I needed to find a way to alert the time agency so I created signs that would alert the Time Agents of danger. The latest threat that they were aware of was an alternate form of you Keith. He was an egyptian king that tried warping the universe to his image. Once the signs of pyramid shapes were seen, the Time Agents leap into action, but Donovan banished them to hell with my power.
Keith; And after all this Donovan, your ex-wife...has she accepted you back?
Donovan; no (sheepishly) But I will have our blue fire friend PUSH HARDER!
Keith; Our Blue Fire friend is already exhausted, and you should know better that you cannot make anyone love you! It is futile.
Donovan; why did she kick me out? (muttering)
Keith; Donovan. Stop this now since you can't change her heart. Not ever God can manipulate us to love him. Let this go.
Donovan; I didn't want to hurt anyone...I just wanted her back. (After a long pause) Keith, turn the dial on the control panel.
Keith turns the control and the worlds start to fade out. The Blue Fire Alien is free from his restraints, and he says...
Blue Fire Alien; Thank you Keith. You are a good man.
Keith; No is good brother. You are free to go.
Blue Fire Alien; I would like to grant you a wish good friend. What would you like?
Keith; One Last Dance with my wonderful wife.
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife; Maybe Someday?
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