From Peru with Love Part 5 "Mountain Top Experiences"

Peru overall was amazing, but when we went to the mountains, it was breathtaking! I miss the mountains! Don't have any mountains in Minnesota. Plenty of hills and bluffs, but no mountains.
I had many mountain top experiences during the missions trip! One of them was helping tear down and build two homes. Another was helping with Vacation Bible School! The kids were great, and amazingly well behaved!
It has been while since places and people really moved me and brought me up to the height of mountains.
Currently O'Malley and I have a "Mountain" of a problem since I accidently let something into the country that is causing people alot of discomfort. O'Malley is looking into files of certain "Incan" gods and godesses. I took the route of crypids. creatures presumed extinct or hypothetical species of creature known from anecdotal evidence and/or other evidence insufficient to prove their existence with scientific certainty. The slang term "cryptid" was first coined in 1983 by John Wall.
We ruled out the possibly of one of the kids from the neighborhood climbing into the suitcase due to the weight restriction. They would of been pulled out at the airport checked luggage area.
I flashback to another "Mountain Top Experience" of visiting a shanty town near the ocean. Even though these people lived in shacks in very poor conditions, they were still joyful and there was fours boys that stated that they read the bible and memorized bible verses. Pastor Arturo shared a good message with us about the area, and this message was hopeful.
O'Malley and I were striking out on research and a solution to what this thing might be? This reminds me of how we tried to figure out why our team was sick and having a hardtime recovering. Could this be a spiritual attack? Did I carry back a demon in my suticase?
I then received a e-mail from one of our translators in Peru, Alex, and he stated that the gangs in the area of Bonenegra were causing major problems and acting like they lost their minds. Many gang wars were breaking out. Very odd?
Time Agent O'Malley; Keith, I just got word that the hospitals are filling up with people experiencing explosive diarehea!!!
Keith; Oh Oh! We better figure this out fast?
I had many mountain top experiences during the missions trip! One of them was helping tear down and build two homes. Another was helping with Vacation Bible School! The kids were great, and amazingly well behaved!
It has been while since places and people really moved me and brought me up to the height of mountains.
Currently O'Malley and I have a "Mountain" of a problem since I accidently let something into the country that is causing people alot of discomfort. O'Malley is looking into files of certain "Incan" gods and godesses. I took the route of crypids. creatures presumed extinct or hypothetical species of creature known from anecdotal evidence and/or other evidence insufficient to prove their existence with scientific certainty. The slang term "cryptid" was first coined in 1983 by John Wall.
We ruled out the possibly of one of the kids from the neighborhood climbing into the suitcase due to the weight restriction. They would of been pulled out at the airport checked luggage area.
I flashback to another "Mountain Top Experience" of visiting a shanty town near the ocean. Even though these people lived in shacks in very poor conditions, they were still joyful and there was fours boys that stated that they read the bible and memorized bible verses. Pastor Arturo shared a good message with us about the area, and this message was hopeful.
O'Malley and I were striking out on research and a solution to what this thing might be? This reminds me of how we tried to figure out why our team was sick and having a hardtime recovering. Could this be a spiritual attack? Did I carry back a demon in my suticase?
I then received a e-mail from one of our translators in Peru, Alex, and he stated that the gangs in the area of Bonenegra were causing major problems and acting like they lost their minds. Many gang wars were breaking out. Very odd?
Time Agent O'Malley; Keith, I just got word that the hospitals are filling up with people experiencing explosive diarehea!!!
Keith; Oh Oh! We better figure this out fast?
O'Malley; Maybe we can call on help from above?
Keith; What do you mean?
O'Malley; I was given an ability to call to heaven to bring help when needed.
O'Malley made the request for help, and instantly a bright shining light pierced the sky. As the figure descended, I hear odd music? It sounded like rap music?
Bright Shining Man; Yo! Yo! Yo! Bruthers from another mudda! I be here ta assist so da problems do not persist!
Keith thinks; Very odd! This Bright Shining man rapped like a hoodlum, but he was as white as a norweigan! He is wearing a baseball cap on backwards, and baggy pants with lots of bling!
O'Malley; Who are you?
Bright Shining Man; Names "Rap Fella"! I'm yo' man who has got da plan!
Keith; What did we get ourselves into?
Next Time; From Peru with Love "Follow the Footprints"
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