From Peru with Love Part 6 "Follow the Footprints"

O'Malley was having a blast with his new friend. He happens to be a angel who likes to be hip with Rap Music! He goes by "Rap Fella"! His name kind of sounds alot like Raphael?
I was very unsure about this angelic help, since he rhymed everything he said. It was hard to take him seriously.
Keith; Yo! Rap Fella! Can you enlight us to what is happening?
Rap Fella; What ya seek iz actually meek. It wuz yo' teams charm dat meant ya nahh harm.
Keith; What do you mean by our charm? Was it protecting us?
Rap Fella; It wuz appointed ta keep ya team from being disjointed!
O'Malley; What can we do to stop this?
Rap Fella; Yo...
Keith; I apologize for interupting but this rapping and rap music is giving me a headache! O'Malley, can you interpret the info from our new friend "Rap Fella" and get back to me? I need to get some fresh air!
I grap an air bike (it is like a hover car but looks like a motor bike) and I decide to follow the footprints from my neighborhood.
I find that the footprints are slightly washed away, but still tracable, and it unfortunately takes me into North Minneapolis which can be a very tough neighborhood.
Bonengra was reported to be a very tough and dangerous neighborhood, but our mission team experienced no problems. It was like everyone was subdued.
After about an hour, I notice something very odd? The rival gangs are playing soccer with each other, and it looks like a peaceful game?
I scan the crowd to see if anything stands out, and sure enough, in a crowd of young kids, I see something that looks like a man, but different.
Suddenly my phone rang and it was O'Malley and "Rap Fella"!
O'Malley; I received a bundle of info from our friend! We need to find the "Cryptid" and get it back to Peru pronto!
Next Time; From Peru with Love Part 7 "Problems and Solutions"
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