Toby Time Part 5 "Ending the Game"

Keith thinks; Toby taught the Chess Master how to play, and after the first round, the Chess Master beat Toby. Thankfully there is two more rounds to go.
Chess Master; Even though I beat you in this first round Toby, I am still intrigied by this game! Ready for round two?
Toby; Ready!
Keith thinks; I decide to use the game as a distraction and I ready my back up plan. I send a mapping probe into the air to get a visual of the island. After 5 minutes the mapping reader comes back and I set my plan into motion.
Chess Master; Good move Toby! Try this one.
Toby; Ohhh...Thankfully the game not over yet.
Keith thinks; I had the agency teleport time devices to my cargo pants pockets (Ingenious tech), and I find the spots on the island to place them. In case you are wondering reader, why couldn't the agency simply teleport the time devices to the points of the island? The Realm of the Chess Master is unreadable to the agency but they can track me and Toby. We are like two humans floating in a cloudy soup on their trackers.
Chess Master; Where is your friend Toby?
Toby; I do not know, he was here? I focus on game.
Chess Master; As long as he is not trying to help you cheat?
Toby; I play fair.
Chess Master; Maybe I should deploy a scout?
An unused chess piece comes to life and sets off towards time agent Keith's direction. Toby looks in shock, but decides that he must concentrate in order to win this round or he is eliminated.
The chess piece was a knight that transforms into a fully armored knight with sword in hand and an intimidating looking steed!
Chess Master; Even though I beat you in this first round Toby, I am still intrigied by this game! Ready for round two?
Toby; Ready!
Keith thinks; I decide to use the game as a distraction and I ready my back up plan. I send a mapping probe into the air to get a visual of the island. After 5 minutes the mapping reader comes back and I set my plan into motion.
Chess Master; Good move Toby! Try this one.
Toby; Ohhh...Thankfully the game not over yet.
Keith thinks; I had the agency teleport time devices to my cargo pants pockets (Ingenious tech), and I find the spots on the island to place them. In case you are wondering reader, why couldn't the agency simply teleport the time devices to the points of the island? The Realm of the Chess Master is unreadable to the agency but they can track me and Toby. We are like two humans floating in a cloudy soup on their trackers.
Chess Master; Where is your friend Toby?
Toby; I do not know, he was here? I focus on game.
Chess Master; As long as he is not trying to help you cheat?
Toby; I play fair.
Chess Master; Maybe I should deploy a scout?
An unused chess piece comes to life and sets off towards time agent Keith's direction. Toby looks in shock, but decides that he must concentrate in order to win this round or he is eliminated.
The chess piece was a knight that transforms into a fully armored knight with sword in hand and an intimidating looking steed!
Keith thinks; I wonder what happened to the other time agents. I know that the agency stated that they were removed from existance, but since this place is also removed from existance, maybe they are here, which means that I need to find them before activating these devices, or we will never get them back.
Suddenly the knight on his horse charges at time agent Keith.
Keith; Oh Oh! I have been found out!
Meanwhile, back at the chess match!
Chess Master; Good game Toby. You beat me in the second round. One more round will determine the victor!
Toby; Yes. One moment please. I must pray.
Toby prays fervently as the Chess Master looks puzzled. The Chess Master thinks nothing of it and in fact chuckles.
Toby; I ready!
Meanwhile Keith happens to have a trick in his cargo pant pocket!
Keith; Good thing that I pack my own heat!
Keith throws a time bomb at the chess piece and it teleports it to a jail cell inside the time agency.
Keith thinks; The devices are in place. Now it is time to find the agents!
Meanwhile back at the chess match!
Chess Master; I can't believe it! You are beating me? Did you trick me at the beginning with a bluff?
Toby; No bluff! Only power of prayer!
Chess Master; NO! You cheated and I demand a rematch!
Voice from beyond; No Chess Master! The game is over!
The chess board burns up quickly and the Chess Master is encased in ball of white light.
Time Agent Keith grabs Toby and lets him know what is happening. Before Toby can speak, the missing agents and Toby and Keith are in the offices of the Galileen Time Agency.
Toby; What happened?
Unfortunately this is classified, so you have to conviently not tell anyone what happened.
Toby; That was fun! What we do next?
Next Time; Toby Time Part 6 "Board Stiff"
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