Toby Time Part 3 "Who is the Chess Master"

Picture yourself on a tranquil beach. The view is amazing and the waters look so inviting. Unfortunately I cannot go in the water, because I have a responsibility to play three rounds of chess. Best out of three wins! I am very much a novice and wish I did not have to do this. I feel ill prepared.
Keith; Chess Master, may I have a 30 delay from the game, just to brush up?
Chess Master; I agree to this. I hope you are a better challenge than the last time agent? I am beginning to think that none of you can play chess?
Keith; I will keep you entertained. That is what you seek, isn't it?
Chess Master; It is something that I long for! A challenge would be satisfing! I effect time as a way of drawing the best minds out and into my arena.
Keith; This is quite the arena! I am an advid outdoors adventurer.
Chess Master; For now, you cannot adventure. You must play!
Keith; 30 minutes. Remember?
Chess Master; Yes, you may have your 30 minutes before your doom!
I take my 30 with mediation and I happen to have a trick up my sleve that this Chess Master is not aware of. 30 minutes come and go quicky.
Keith; Ready.
Chess Master; I am a fair man. You first!
Keith; Alright. I will move the pawn...Oh, that is cool! It levitated for me.
Chess Master; Glad that you are amused. Take this!
Keith; Ouch! Good move!
Chess Master; I sense that you are just a novice?
Keith; Ahhh, no, I was just empressed by your first move!
Chess Master; You call that a move?
Keith thinks; I am not doing so good! I think I am going lose the first round, and possibly the next two?
Suddenly the unexpected happens! Toby come wandering into the Chess Master's reality!
Chess Master; Who are you?
Toby; Tobias Heußner, but you can call me Toby.
Chess Master; You just caught us in the middle of the first round.
Toby; Chess is over rated. Want a real challenge?
Chess Master; Yes! I am incredibly bored and I need something challenging! I have played chess for centuries and I long for a formidable opponent!
Toby; Time for Chinese Chess!
Chess Master; Ohhhh! Sounds fascinating!
Next Time Toby Time Part 4 "Chinese Chess"
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