Toby Time Part 6 "Board Stiff"

The weekend and week fly by, and during that time Toby was getting bored fast at my place, while I was at work.
Most of Toby's friends were really busy, but planned to schedule time with Toby before he would be returning to Germany. Toby tried getting by on video game (he pronounces Wideo games) DVDs, and reading his gaming and writing text books. During this time, the temptation of walking thru time fascinated him, but he did his best to resist.
During the past two weeks I was questioned on how Toby knew how to walk thru time and space? I did not know how to answer that question, and then I remembered when Toby was reading the text book on the "Laws of Time and Space"!
The Galileen Time Agency board stated that it is ridiculously impossible for a mere human to obtain perfect working knowledge of time walking!
I stated that this could be the only explanation. The time machine was untouched.
The Time Council Board decided to have me track Toby's possible time walking?
Meanwhile back at home...
Toby thinks; I am sooo bored. I wonder where the book on "Laws of Time and Space" is?
Awww, maybe it is in Keith's time machine?
Toby remembers flying in this over 5 months ago along with Craig, Keith and Nate. Toby crawls into the seat of the time machine and finds the book. After housrs on reading, Toby falls asleep in the time machine.
Meanwhile at WFHM...
Keith thinks; I can't believe how bored I am! I am glad that I have a window view of the city. One thing that I found very odd this weekend was that every bathroom I went in to had the old style flushing handle. Not sure why I remember this, but most toilets have the motion sensor that flushes even if you are on the tolilet and leaning. Not one of those were found this weekend! I wonder if they are getting rid of the motion sensing tech?
While thinking of toilets, I best use one!
Meanwhile at the Galileen time agency...
Time Agent Zedmore; C.E.O. I noticed something odd about Toby.
C.E.O. Harrington; What did you find so far?
Time Agent Zedmore; He is not for around here.
Meanwhile back at WFHM...
Keith thinks; How very odd! What happened to all the bathrooms?
Keith; Hey Mike, what happened to the bathrooms?
Mike; What! Did you just come to this building? The toilets are on the first level.
Keith thinks; I wander downstairs to the toilets and find out that they are outhouse! What happened?
Next Time; Toby Time Part 7 "Pottie Time"
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