Toby Time Part 7 "Pottie Time"

Keith thinks; I wonder what happened to the good ole porcelain toilets. The first thing that comes to mind is Toby must of did it? After a long day at WFHM, I get home and find Toby sleeping in the time machine.
20 questions later, we find that Toby has no idea what he did. He promised me that he did not use the time machine.
The agency calls and alerts me that modern day plumbing all over the world are disappearing.
After a quick drive to the Galileen Time Agency in Saint Paul Minnesota (a new location) I bring Toby into the agency and we go to C.E.O. Harrington's office.
Time Agent Keith; Harrington, what is happening?
C.E.O. Harrington; You tell me! Did Toby time walk again?
Time Agent Keith; Toby assured me that he did not do anything that would effect time.
C.E.O. Harrington; Toby has a natural ability to walk thru time. Maybe he was sleep walking and accidently knocked out the toilet maker along with a creator of the elevator?
Time Agent Keith; Can't you hear yourself on how silly this sounds?
C.E.O. Harrington; I know how crazy it sounds but we can only assume for now. Toby, can we hypnotize you and find out what time and place you might of walked to?
Toby; Ok
After much probing of Toby's mind we find that he did not time walk anywhere, but instead Toby's thoughts touched another person's mind in the past.
C.E.O. Harrington; Time Agent Keith, we need you to go to the 26th century BC and connect with this person. According to Time Agent Zedmore, our comfort technology seems to be collapsing due to this person interferring. Depart for this time immediately and bring Time Agent Zedmore.
Keith thinks; Time Agent Zedmore and I depart for the 26th century BC with a time interferance tracker since we did not know what exact time this person is interfering.
Upon arrival we land outside a pyrimid in Egypt.
Time Agent Keith; I had no idea that flush toilets had their start in this time?
Time Agent Zedmore; The toilets were primitive but they still flushed.
Meanwhile inside the pyramid...
Egyptian; My plan worked well! I knew that I stopped a comfort invetion, that this would get the attention of the Galileen Time Agency! This man called Toby helped me in understanding future history! Soon all of time and space will be mine to mold to my image!!!
Next Time; Toby Time Part 8 "King of Poo"
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