
Angela; Michael! What is that? Is that a robot?
Michael; Sure looks like one...I wonder what's it is doing...OHHH! It just rocketed to the skies!
Angela; WOW!!! I can't wait to tell Keith about this!
Michael and Angela hurry inside and as they try to find Keith, Angela accidently bumps into Keith's Christmas tree! The ornament drops and shatters across the floor!
Michael; Oops Angela! I hope that wasn't expensive?
Angela; It sure looked expensive!
Meanwhile...rocketing skyward!
Keith; What is going on? Last I remember I finally got into the drivers seat and hit the green botton and now, I can't seem to focus?
Keith is just minutes away from entering the atmosphere!!! And while that is going on! Inside an icy palace! Talking to a crature that only he can hear!
Jack Frost; You want me to do what? Why is he so important? He is going to do what??? Ok, Ok, I understand now, we can't let that happen! It could unbalance everything! I will take care of him immediately!
Meanwhile heading closer towards space! Keith is able to take control over the robot!
Keith; Finally! I thought I was going to be lost in space! This thing has one heck of a throttle! Ok, time try and focus, but the probably is that I am unable to? I thought that ornament was able to help with focus even in long distances? Oh well, I do remember that the item I seek is in Africa! Next stop, the Congo! I always wanted to go to the Congo:) I better make it fast so I don't miss the "Christmas Singles Party" that Tom is hosting!
Suddenly the robot gets hit hard, but the shields hold! Unfortunately Keith notices that the robot seems to be gaining mass!
Keith; What is this thing doing know? Did I hit another botton by mistake? Best check my monitor?
Keith flips on the rear montior and views a horrific site!
Meanwhile back at Keith's place. Michael and Angela are busy on the computers and encounter a sopt of trouble!
Angela; Michael! Did you hear that?
Michael; Hear what?
Angela: That?!
Michael; I don't hear anything, maybe you hear...oh my...!!!
Dark Presense; So you thought you could just simply forget about me! You and Santa!!! Wait!...who are you two? What are you two doing in Keith's house???
Next Time; Singles Party!
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