
I would of Blogged earier in my recovery, but I was on my parents dail up connection and that is not fun to play with. I stayed with my folks for about 4 weeks and they were sad to see me go, but glad that I was feeling well enough to get plugged back into my place again.
I thought I was going to receive a grander homecoming, but instead I was greated by "Egg People" in my bed room. Not sci fi at all, but a clever decoration/prank by my roomie Nate and good friend Craig Larson A.K.A. "Time Walker" I did appreciate it, but I am always imagining my friends popping up and yelling "Welcome Home"!
A lot has happened since I been laid up. I am thankfully on "Short Term" disability from work so I am glad to get a full paycheck while I heal.
The Christmas Season is fast approaching and I still have not got my Christmas shopping completed! I was glad that the internet makes things easy, but not everything can be found on the internet!
Thankfully I called in one of my connections! He came rather quickly, as only he can:)
I heard the echoing from the fireplace upstairs and as I hobbled upstairs with my crutches, he uttered...
Santa; Ho! Ho! Ho! Seasons Greetings my dear friend Keith! How are you feeling today?
Me; Not to well Santa. I feel like I got hit by a Mach Truck!
Santa; I am guessing you don't want a Mach Truck for Christmas?
Me; Nope, cause I might get hit by it:)
Santa; HO! HO! HO! Very funny! I got somethings that is going to help you in your Christmas shopping.
Me: Wait Santa, I thought in calling you in that you would be able to get the gifts for me?
Santa; I don't pick up "Gift Cards" and besides, they are not a true gift! Couldn't you be more creative?
Me; Santa, I just like giving friends and family access to their own gifts?
Santa; Get to know your friends and family better Keith! Besides, you have plenty of time now that you are recovering? I am sorry to be so hard on you, but maybe after I give you these gifts, you will reconsider "Gift Cards"?
Me; Ok Santa, what are they?
Next Time; Santa's Gifts to Keith!
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