"A Week in the Life" Day 6 Freakish Friday

Friday! Finally I made it to Friday! This is the start of my three day weekend every week! Unfortunately I had some unfinished business! I found out that my house in on top of a time anomaly!
In my bed I found a ghost. During one of my previous adventures I encountered another dimension in which I was married, but it was a dimension that voilently invaded our world with the help of a "Blue Fire Alien" and a disgruntled Galileen Time Agency worker named Donovan that simply wanted to win his x-wife back to him, so the only way this could work was to manipulate time and space and everyone became married except for management workers of the Galileen Time Agency and the very strong will of Donovan's ex-wife. These people that were fighting Donovan's will were sent to a type of hell.
I quickly called C.E.O. Harrington and asked him if Donovan was safely locked away. And Harrington gave some shocking news. Donovan was missing! I asked if I need to come in to run and investigation. C.E.O. Harrington said that he was sending Zedmore on it, and asked me to try and sit back and enjoy my weekend.
With the disappearance of O'Malley and Donovan, I found it hard to relax.
For some strange reason, I decided to go onto a website called "Tagged". My friend Teresa from Peru sent me the link so her and I could stay in touch. As I was trying to relax and puruse the website I noticed an attractive face. Her name is Rhoda (Pictured above), and I normally don't do this but I sent a message to Rhoda, that went like this.
To: Rhoda W
Date: May 11, 2007 8:41 am
Subject: no subject
Date: May 11, 2007 8:41 am
Subject: no subject
Hey Rhoda, How is life in flordia?
Interested in knowing you better!
Write soon.
To my surprise I received a quick e-message back!
To: Keith S
Date: May 11, 2007 8:49 am
Subject: Hi...Keith
Hi, So, looks like the time has arrived for me to start using this account. I can resist it no more! I took a look at your profile and well, I liked what I saw.. ;p
So um, my name is Rhoda. I think you and I should probably be friends, because you seem pretty fun, and maybe even cute! (it's so hard to tell in this digital world :)
anyway, i'd go on all day, but I want to get an answer from you.. , I'm always on over there: Then maybe we could chat sometime! Here is my Yahoo IM mailto:Rhodxxx@yahoo.com you know what they say.. looks wins over the eyes, but personality wins over the heart.. haha..
Talk to you soon,
I never experienced such an eager e-message before.
Suddenly I hear the sound of a woman crying. It sounded like Elizabeth. I still remember her voice and how she would cry. That dimension really left an impression on me.
The crying got stronger and I was drawn to a mirror in the hallway where I seen my wife from the "Married" dimension reaching out her arms to me and asking me to come to her.
I needed to get out of the house! I jumped into my car and drove to a nearby park. I stayed until Rock time. I had a hard time concentrating on the ROCK message since I could not get Elizabeth out of my head.
Once home, I avoided the mirror since it freaked me out, and I noticed something out. When I was not in the light, my skin would glow blue.
Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 7 Super Wrap Up Saturday
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