Toby Time Part 13 "...Into the Fire"

C.E.O. Harrington; What do you suppose happened time agent Keith?
Keith; At first I was blaming myself for the risky manuver, but after checking the timeline, I noticed that someone disrupted the time prisons and time loops, and anyone that was trapped in them is no free.
C.E.O. Harrington; Impossible! At the very least, time loops cannot be broken.
Keith; And yet, here is the info.
C.E.O. Harrington; Who did this?!
Keith; The Illuminati! I am getting a read out of a man named "Moseaus" set himself up as self appointed ruler of the human race. Unfortunately for him, his reign was cut short by the Illuminati who set the world on fire in the year 2006 as they tried looking for "Lily" their superhuman experiment. They burned the planet, knowing that only "Lily" would survive and they could continue creating superhuman people from her genetic material. The planet started burning in 2006 and has burned for over 1000 years, and according to this timeline, it will burn for another 1000 years.
C.E.O. Harrington; We have to do something!!?
Keith; Spoken like a true manager! All we can do is get to the center of the timeship and pray that Toby will correct this issue.
C.E.O. Harrington; How do you know that Toby is still alive?
Keith; See the timeline? Toby is the wildcard, meaning he is virtually indestructible in the timestream!
Meanwhile in the ship of the illuminati...
Clone Keith; We made it successfully my brothers!
Illuminati Yellow; Yes! We made it safely to our home base, and after much planning wwe can resume our search for "Lily"!
Illuminati Blue; Yes Brothers, our plan will proceed once we gather all our brothers to the chamber.
Illuminati Green; Together with our combined powers we will burn the earth and then find our property..."Lily"!
Meanwhile back in the dingy prison...
Toby; I refuse to help you...what is your name?
Prisoner 5177; My name is Moseaus, and I plan to save the world, and then enslave it to my will!!!
Next Time; Toby Time Part 14 "Toby Saves the Day!"
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