Toby Time Part 11 "Toby's Big Adventure"

Toby braces himself and then puts his best foot forward.
Keith; Wow, I can't believe how impressive that is.
C.E.O. Harrington; How impressive what it?
Keith; Toby doing his time walking thingy. I still blows my mind.
C.E.O. Harrington; Are you seeing things time agent?
Keith; Harrington, this is no time to joke around. Did you not see what just happened in front of your eyes?
C.E.O. Harrington; I think the stress of time travel is getting to you again. Who is Toby?
Keith; Oh no! What happened???
Meanwhile Toby is walking thru the timestream with ease, and is traveling back thru time, but his journey stops abruptly, as Toby hits an invisible barrier!
Toby; OUCH! Vhat vas dat? Dat hurt!...Come in Galileen time agency...Come in Galileen time agency...No answer? What happened?
Meanwhile in a time prison...
Prisoner 5177; Soon this timewalker Toby will be my escape!
Meanwhile back at the time agency...
Keith; Harrington! I believe you are the one under stress! Check the timeline against our data.
C.E.O. Harrington; Oh no! What happened. I can barely remeber who Toby is?
Keith; Suit me up! I will go in and retrieve Toby!
Sirens start going off all over the Saint Paul Time agency campus...
C.E.O. Harrington; Oh no! The alarms are going off due to a possible bomb on campus?
On the outside of the campus, the Galileen time agency appears to be a warehouse district, and passers by notice the building erupting in fireball explosions!
Next Time; Toby Time Part 12 "Out of the Frying Pan..."
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