Toby Time Part 14 "Toby saves the Day!"

Toby; Where did Moseaus bring us?
Toby finds a new stand and notices that the time is December 1999. Toby suspects that Moseaus is going to use the scare of 2000 to seize power. Toby shakes his head, since He believes Moseaus is a second rate power mad man.
Moseaus was currently bragging about how dangerous he is and finally told Toby how he created his time walking abilities! Moseaus implanted a device inside Toby at a very young age. The device helped Toby absorb knowledge quickly, and manifest it physically. For years Toby was using this ability unknowestly in reading programing books and has since then became an amazing game designer. Moseaus noticed the timeline of Toby and Keith intersecting and knew that it was only a matter of time before Toby was be entralled by the time books that Keith as a Time Agent must read as a job requirement.
Moseaus; Alright Toby, soon I shall activate a device that will transmit thru tv and radio, so as millions listen and watch, they will be hyponotized into following me! Their fear of 2000 will already breakdown their will! HA HA HA HA HA!!!
Toby; You no nothing about power! I challenge you to a game! Since you think you are so powerful and you think you are a time menace let us gather real live fighters from the past! Whomever wins gets to use the power of time walking! If you win, I will willingly submit to being your time walking errand boy. If I win, you go right back to prison!
Moseaus; Why should I do this? I already got you!
Toby; Nope! Goodbye!
Toby starts time walking and Moseaus yells...
Moseaus; STOP! I will play your game! You are right, that I do not have a solid hold on you, expect to deactivate your power.
Toby; And if you do that, we are both stuck.
Moseaus; Right, ok, lets...
Just then a large spaceship lands near Toby and Moseaus. Out walks Clone Keith.
Toby; Keith! You are safe!
Moseaus; I know that type of work! That is not Time Agent Keith! He is a clone! How did the Illuminati get free? Oh no! My timeline trip wire freed all prisoners! (Hand slapping his head) I wonder what you want?
Clone Keith shoots Moseaus, and then turns the gun on Toby!
Clone Keith; Moseaus, I am glad you are a bumbling idiot! When you and Toby stopped time walking it was very easy to locate you two. Moseaus will not interfere with our plans. No rulership for him. Toby, I have come to take you into the custody of my brothers the Illuminati! We are in need of your unique talent!
Toby; No! No! I won't do it!
Toby bum rushes the cloned Keith, knocking the gun out of his hand, and the clone scappers back into the space ship. Toby thinks for a moment and then comes up with a brillant idea! Since the Galileen Time Agency stated that Toby can carry things with his, as he did with Moseaus, mayby he can send the entireship of the illuminati back into the past?
Toby; Here goes everything!
Toby and the spaceship travel back to the past, faster and faster. The illuminati have limited time travel ability that they obtained when they were trapped in the timeloop, and they try fighting Toby but Toby fights back and brings then all the way to when the earth was volcanic, and then hurls them in. Next stop, since Toby was able to connect with their transmission, Toby goes back to the Illuminati home base and them puts his hands to the ground, for another round of sending the entire base back into the past. Unfortunately Toby is worn out, and five Illuminati's appear in their full ceremonial gowns.
Toby; Nice dresses! Are you dress for some big GALA? Men should not wear this kind of stuff.
Illuminati Bronze; Tobias Heubner, how kind of you to deliver yourself to our door step. I trust that you came to witness my brothers and I burn your world?
Toby; No burning today!
Toby notices the devices that they will use to burn the world, and with the last amount of energy that Toby has left he uses a ninjistu kick to Imminati Bronze, Toby mad dashes to the bombs and sends the protective casings into the past!
Illuminati Bronze; NO! I can't believe you...
The entire Illuminati base explodes and then inplodes, and ceases to exist!
Meanwhile on Earth of 3007...
C.E.O. Harrington; The fire is gone. Everything is green and beautiful. Toby did it!
Keith; Toby is missing from the timeline.
Next Time; Toby Time Part 15 "Farewell Toby"
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