Toby Time Part 15 "Farewell Toby"

Toby, Michael Miller and I drove to the airport in Michaels car. We sat with Toby as he was very sad that he had to go back home. Toby had quite the adventure and wanted to continue living it. Toby flew out on Sunday April 22nd at around 3pm.
Michael and I drove off and then Michael asked...
Michael; What happened? You said that you and Toby had alot of amazing experiences! I want to know.
Keith; Michael, you know that I cannot share my time traveling adventures with you.
Michael; Just this once, I promise I won't tell anyone!
Keith; Alright (Thinking that I will use the men in black device on Michael after I tell him what happened)
It went something like this...
Time Agent Keith and C.E.O. Harrington along with the Galileen time staff were able to get the time ship operational, since the world was no longer burning. We never seen the earth so green in our lives. Strange thing is the human race was missing. A mystery for another time, since the historical timeline was restored.
Michael and I drove off and then Michael asked...
Michael; What happened? You said that you and Toby had alot of amazing experiences! I want to know.
Keith; Michael, you know that I cannot share my time traveling adventures with you.
Michael; Just this once, I promise I won't tell anyone!
Keith; Alright (Thinking that I will use the men in black device on Michael after I tell him what happened)
It went something like this...
Time Agent Keith and C.E.O. Harrington along with the Galileen time staff were able to get the time ship operational, since the world was no longer burning. We never seen the earth so green in our lives. Strange thing is the human race was missing. A mystery for another time, since the historical timeline was restored.
Keith; Best head back to the Galileen headquarters in Saint Paul.
C.E.O. Harrington; The headquarters blew up, remember?
Keith; See on the timeline. It is fully restored. The menace of the Illuminati has ended, but Toby is missing.
C.E.O. Harrington; Look at this read out. There is a powerful energy reading coming from the Illuminati's base.
Keith; I can check it out!
C.E.O. Harrington; We are all going. Maybe we can learn from their tech?
At the Illuminati base, Keith found something viewable.
Keith; Harrington, I find something that you might find interesting.
C.E.O. Harrington; What do you got Time Agent Keith?
They view the last moments of Toby squaring off with one of the Illuminati dressed in bronze, and Toby explodes the firebomb canisters.
C.E.O. Harrington; Well, that is it then. Toby died to save our lives.
Keith; Notice something odd?
C.E.O. Harrington; Yes! Nothing is damaged! How could an explotion not damage anything?
Keith; Wait just a minute, look at this.
Keith slows down the video and they see Toby disappearing before the explosive canisters ignite!
C.E.O. Harrington; So he is alive, but where did he go?
Keith; Check out this film footage from the Illuminati's database!
They view as cloned Keith shoots Moseaus and leaves him to die. Moseaus then pulls out a device and struggled at first, and then activates it. After much review. Keith reveals that the activation of the device coinsides with Toby's disappearance.
C.E.O. Harrington; Are you trying to show me that maybe Moseaus teleported Toby somewhere or...
Keith; I believe Moseaus deactivated his time walking power.
C.E.O. Harrington; Then where do you believe Toby went?
Keith; I suspect that Toby is in a safe place.
The time agents rush back to base and find Toby chilling out eating potato chips with ranch dip and washing it all down with mountain dew.
Toby; Hi guys! I am safe, but sadly I have no time walking powers anymore.
C.E.O. Harrington; Time Agent Keith please explain.
Keith; Certainly! Toby's starting point was here, before he tripped the time bomb and ended up in prison. Once Moseaus deactivated Toby's timewalking power, it sprung back like a rubberband to the time before Moseaus.
C.E.O. Harrington; If that happened then Moseaus...
Keith; Is alive and currently imprisoned.
C.E.O. Harrington; Then the Illuminati are...?
Keith; ...are trapped in the timeloop, again.
C.E.O. Harrington; My head hurts. I need to do some brushing up on time law.
Keith; I need to get my guest back home.
Toby; And just when I was having fun! (Smiles)
Meanwhile back in Keith's car driving away from the airport...
Michael Miller; That was quite a story!
Keith; All in a time agent days work. Oh one more thing. (Keith flashes the memory eraser so Michael would not remember anything that was said.) I love technology.
Monday morning April 23rd, Toby called me to let me know that they flight went smoothly. Toby mentions how sad he is and hope to get back to the U.S. sooner than 10 months, but he knows that GOD's will for Toby is currently in Berlin.
Next Time; "A Long Intermission"
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