"A Week in the Life" Day 3 Terrific Tuesday

Tuesdays work day was going to be a short one. Unfortunately it seemed like the LONGEST DAY EVER!
More of dealing with hostile aliens and time meddlers, paperwork and then...finally my first break! ARRRGGGHHH!!!
Thankfully at my lunch break I got to read the bible and review Colosians chapter 1!
Once I got back to work, O'Malley wanted to see me in his work station. I immediately headed over and he wanted to let me know that he discovered a strange dimensional anomaly. I asked if he had any idea of what it might be? O'Malley stated that it was still in unknown but he would let me know if he found out anything more, since the dimensional anomaly happens to be manifesting in my neighborhood! I asked if I am safe being in the house. O'Malley could only say that he would keep me posted.
After a grueling day of only 8 hours. I normally pull 10, but it seemed so much longer! I was ready for House Church! House Church takes place in Roseville, MN! Not too far from Minneapolis, so it is always a nice quick drive, and it is one of the biggest house churches that the ROCK has! I am blest! Also, we have a great bunch of Brothers and Sisters in Christ that attend this house church.
This Tuesday night, Kevin Meyer started us out in Colosians. Then turn out wasn't as big as we hoped, but then when we were wrapping up the lesson and got done with a closing prayer, I opened my eyes and noticed that they were more people in the room! I did not recognize many of them. They took up every available chair and floor space. I rubbed my eyes and then they were gone.
I stagged over to the cookies and refreshment a bit dazzled, and then after house church was done, I decided to call O'Malley and see if he noticed any dimensional anomalies in Roseville. Unfortunately I only got his voice mail.
I made a quick stop to Cub Foods before getting home and I thought I seen someone familiar? I young woman was going thru the grocery store, but unfortunately the familiarity escaped me.
Arriving home, I got inside and I thought I heard my name? It was a woman's voice. I could not distinquish the voice. I figured that it was just work stress geeting to me. Got to my room and it was cleaned and my bed was made again, but this time it was not illusional. It was really made! I wondered if my parents stopped by and my mom probably could not resist to clean my room and make my bed. Too late to call them now!
Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 4 Weird Wednesday
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