Evil Revealed!

Krampus 6; Finally, I can escape once more, and bring about the world that my brothers and sisters tried to bring last year in the earth year of 2006! No more Santa, but my brethern and I punishing adults and children for being naughty! They will forever suffer! Santa merely has to enter this realm and I will have all the power I need!
Meanwhile back at Keith's place...
Santa; I will not be going to the Hell-Like Dimension.
Keith; What!? But Santa, how are we going to release all those people from the place?
Santa; If I step foot in that dimension, the evil presense known as the Krampus would absorb my magical power and enter this world again, but this time he could be here permenantly, and he could possibly reverse time to save his brothers and sisters from you, or I mean that blue fire alien you that destroyed them last year in 2006!
Keith; How should I do this?
Santa; If I cast any spiritual magic at this point, the Krampus will use it, so I do have something up my selve!
Santa truly did have something up his selve! It wasn't magic, but an amazing gadget that would expand on contact with air. It was a...
Santa; Dimensional Motorbike!
Keith; I never driven a motorbike, and do I need a license for this?
Santa; No! I have you fully registered, and it drives itself, because it has a robotic brain! All the magic is being pulled off of this motorbike by me, so the Krampus cannot use any of it against you!
Keith; So, I just ride this bike to Hell and back?
Santa; I can't really give you any words of advice, for that would also be applied as spiritual magic, so before you go, all spiritual magic will be pulled from you and you will be on your own....I know you can do this Keith! Oh, and by the way, one more thing.
Keith; Yes?
Santa; Return the item you took from the Congo when you return.
Keith; But that is my gift to my friends and family! You said that once I ate of the "Fruits of the Spirit" and focused on the ornament that I would know what to get them.
Santa; When did you think of this Item? Before or after you lost focus?
Keith lowers his head; After I lost focus..., but can I use just one drop of this...
Santa; NO! I am sorry to come off so harsh, but the item you chose will unbalance everything. This goes to show you that having all the "Fruits of the Spirit" at 100% will not bring you perfection!
Keith; I agree Santa! Wish me your best in that "Dark Hellish Dimension"?
Santa; I wil...I mean I cannot, it will apply spiritual magic. I am sorry Keith, but on this ride, you are all alone.
I put on the saftey helmet and activate the controls to bring me and my ride to Hell! Thanksfully it is not the real hell, but a dimension that trapped the Krampus! The solo Krampus must of stepped away from the battle last year that the "Blue Fire Alien" brought to their dimension? The explosion, as told by Santa, extermined all the Krampus. They were former Saints and Nuns that Saint Nickolas knew well, but were misguided by thinking that the world deserved "Judgement" rather than "Love"!
Krampus 6; So...Santa is wimping out and dsending his errand boy Keith in to this dimension! I will have to give him quite the reception! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Next Time; Long Ride Down!
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