Long Ride Down!

I prayed as I drove and the ride was feeling like it would never end! I wondered what might be going through the minds of all the married and divorsed people as they are trapped in the dimension?
I wasn't getting any sense from the "Holy Spirit"! I was not sure what was going on? I then cried out to Jesus, and then, that was when I arrived!
Krampus 6; Greetings Keith! This time, you have no power on your side, and you can do nothing to save these people! Admit defeat!
I said nothing at first and admitted that the dimension that this Krampus was trapped in was overwhelming, but it is not "Hell" as in the biblical sense!
Krampus 6; Feel my pain!
Suddenly I witnessed what looked like phantoms, and thn I was feeling chains wrap around me, but none of these things were defeating me since I also noticed the "Holy Spirit" talking to me. He was always present, but this dimension tried to create so much noise as too drown out his words. It can not read our minds, but it can take guesses at what torments us, and deliver illusions to try weighing us down! It was at this moment that I was told exactly what to do!
Keith; Michael and Angela! You sing in a choir! Please start singing, and everyone else, please follow in singing with them!
Michael and Angela, broke their chains and followed instruction!
Krampus 6; What are you doing? No...the singing...NO...Stop!
Keith; Can't stand holy words, can ya?
The people started to follow Michael and Angela's lead and soon all were harmonizing! Whether they could sing or not, the "Holy Spirit" blest them with song, and they then sang Christmas Hymns!
Krampus 6; NO! Stop! I can't stand this!
And neither could the dimension as it started to rip open like wet paper and then all the people were in our dimension! Unfortunately, so was the Krampus!
Krampus 6; I am free, I am free at last! No longer am I trapped in Hell!
But the Krampus did not count on being infused to the dimension he was in and he started to slow fade away!
The Krampus grabbed me, but he quickly let go as his hands faded away.
Finally back in reality after feeling like I was in the dimension for an eternity! I was blest to know that it was not the REAL hell, or their would of been no escape! The couples were able to be transported ome by Santa's spiritual magic and I was then sent on my way to return the item that I had taken as a Christmas gift idea.
Next Time; The ITEM?
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