Saying Uncle
Ever experience times where people that kind of know you end up catagorizing you into a certain stereotype? For instance, since I am turned 40, I am termed as peoples uncle? Just because I am single and 40, I am thought of as an Uncle? It is really weird when 20 somethings say this, and granted, I am a uncle, but my niece and nephew are 3 and 7, so imagine my response when a 20 something or 30 something say that I remind them of a uncle. I don't even look old. I have been mistaken as a 20 something serveral times! I think people love to catagorize just to make them feel comfortable?
The way I see myself (along with most of my close friends) is a mix between MacGyver and Billy Idol!!! I always find a way to solve a problem and kick @$$ during the process!!! My hopes is that I will be seen as a single guy who kicks butts and takes names for the Lords work!!!
Peace Out!
The way I see myself (along with most of my close friends) is a mix between MacGyver and Billy Idol!!! I always find a way to solve a problem and kick @$$ during the process!!! My hopes is that I will be seen as a single guy who kicks butts and takes names for the Lords work!!!
Peace Out!