Wednesday, February 28, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 13 "Maybe Someday?"

I wake up at 3am in the morning, in my own bed, in my townhouse. No more mansion. No more talk show, no more fresh air, and the fantasy of being married with children has ended.

Being perfectly honest with myself, I have never been anxious to rush to the alter. But I am also honest with myself and not having the gift of singleness.

The threat of Donovan is over. The Time Agents decided to go easy on him and were able to rewrite all the history that Donovan created with our Blue Fire Alien friend. Donovan is locked away for his own good and for the sake of time and our reality.

The Blue Fire Alien helped the Time Agents fix everything, right after he granted me one final wish.

The wish went like this...

Elizabeth; Keith! Where have you been? You have been gone for hours? And it is snowing? I can't believe that we got snow this year?

Keith; The weather satelites are gone.

Elizabeth; You did not answer my question. Where were you?

Keith; With a good friend. He was packing to leave out of town.

Elizabeth; I am glad that you got back home in time for dinner. We decided to have a mix of meat and veggies.

Keith; You are wonderful!

Elizabeth; You look sad. It this because of your friend?

Keith; Yes...but let's not delay our dinner. I am hungry.

We sit down to eat, and after dinner were go to the living room for our nightly bible study. After this we all play our favorite board games.

Elizabeth and I bring the kids to bed. Haley first.

Haley; Daddie, can we plway with the monkeys tomorrow?

Keith; Maybe, my little princess.

Haley; Good nite Daddie, I lwove you and mommie.

Keith; We love you too Haley.

Next we get Nathaniel to bed.

Nathaniel; Dad! Can I get a new PS3?

Keith; Maybe, on your birthday son?

Nathaniel; Awww, that's not until three months from now.

Keith; Patience son. Sleep well.

Elizabeth and I walk to our room, holding hands.

Elizabeth; Should I start the jacuzzi.

Keith; No...I am too tired. Let's just get to bed. It has been a long day.

Elizabeth kisses me and we laydown. I fall asleep quickly and that is when I wake up in my bed at 3am.

It is over. It was wonderful, but not my reality. I sometimes wonder if I ever will meet that special someone and get married?

The longer I am single, the more unlikely I believe that I will ever have a loving wife and family? But it is best for me to be optimistic.

Maybe someday?

Next Time; Thank you faithful readers!



Tuesday, February 27, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 12 "One Last Dance"

I thought I was going to go deaf from the alarms in the lower levels of Weisman Art Musuem. As I stumbled around, I was leaning against the wall that triggered a secret door and I fell into a room full of monitoring screens and equipment. On one of the screens was an exact image of the hell I have had seen in my bad dreams. This world has burning buildings, violent people, and raging storms.

On another screen in this hell I see Ben Robison and the Galileen Time Agency crew!

Then I hear a voice!

Blue Fire Alien; Time Agent Keith...I am glad that you got here safely.

Keith; What is going on? What is this place?

Blue Fire Alien; I will tell you the story of what has transpired since you were gone.

Keith; Gone? Oh yeah, I vaguely remember this. I am starting to understand what is reality. What is really happening here on Earth?

Blue Fire Alien; Me and my brethern were ready to leave this world, and then I heard one man's cries. This man works for the Galileen Time Agency. He told me of his situation and I sympathizied, and as I was about to leave, I found myself being manipulated into creating the utopian world that you have been experiencing and love, but I only had so much energy and had to separate the realities, but this hell place is not anything like the real world is either. It is much worse!

Keith; You said that an Agent from the Galileen Time Agency made you do this?

Blue Fire Alien; Yes! His name is...

Donovan; Donovan! Yes that is my name! You can call me the ruler of this world!

Keith; Donovan? I am starting to remember you. You are one of our tech heads at the agency?

Donovan; Yes, I am! How did you get here Time Agent?

Keith; I was actually drawn here by our blue fire alien friend!

Blue Fire Alien; Donovan is no friend of anyones but his own.

Donovan; All that will change when I achieve my goal.

Keith; Enlighten me to your goal.

Donovan; Soon, the one I love will come back to me.

Keith; What? You changed this world to fit one need?

Blue Fire Alien; Started his wish by asking me to bless this world with love, and so I did. Everyone that wanted someone, received someone to love, but I did not know that Donovan was trying to change the heart of his ex-Wife. He then restrained and controled me to banish people who would not accept love, like criminals and other sinners to his hand crafted hell. He had me push love harder, but single people who love being single rebelled, and he sent them to hell. At this point, I needed to find a way to alert the time agency so I created signs that would alert the Time Agents of danger. The latest threat that they were aware of was an alternate form of you Keith. He was an egyptian king that tried warping the universe to his image. Once the signs of pyramid shapes were seen, the Time Agents leap into action, but Donovan banished them to hell with my power.

Keith; And after all this Donovan, your ex-wife...has she accepted you back?

Donovan; no (sheepishly) But I will have our blue fire friend PUSH HARDER!

Keith; Our Blue Fire friend is already exhausted, and you should know better that you cannot make anyone love you! It is futile.

Donovan; why did she kick me out? (muttering)

Keith; Donovan. Stop this now since you can't change her heart. Not ever God can manipulate us to love him. Let this go.

Donovan; I didn't want to hurt anyone...I just wanted her back. (After a long pause) Keith, turn the dial on the control panel.

Keith turns the control and the worlds start to fade out. The Blue Fire Alien is free from his restraints, and he says...

Blue Fire Alien; Thank you Keith. You are a good man.

Keith; No is good brother. You are free to go.

Blue Fire Alien; I would like to grant you a wish good friend. What would you like?

Keith; One Last Dance with my wonderful wife.

Next Time; a Wonderful Wife; Maybe Someday?



Monday, February 26, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 11 "Blue Hell"

Have you ever experienced a time where a woman was so upset that all she could do is turn beat red, and yell "If you can't figure it out, I won't tell you!!!" and then slam the door shut?

My wife became very upset and I could not figure out why? As I carried my duffle bag out to the car. Elizabeth was kind enough to pack my duffle bag with stuff I need before kicking me out of the house. The kids were crying and I did not know what to do.

I walked over to Kurt Johnson's house, but I found out that Kurt's wife Krista kicked him out too. I asked Krista where Kurt might be, but she just turned red with anger and slamed the door. Very odd!

I checked each house in the neighborhood, and with each house, the wife had kicked the husband out.

Then sky started to turn blue and it looked like fire was dancing through the sky? The fire took on the shape of a face and in it's mouth was the "Weisman Art Center" and the blue fire face said "Help me!!!"

I woke up in a cold sweet! It is 3;30 am Monday.

Elizabeth; What is wrong honey? You look pale!?

Keith; Another bad dream.

Elizabeth holds me and says; You have been having bad dreams all weekend. Please see the therapist at my workplace. I believe she can help.

Keith; Dear, you know what I think about therapists.

Elizabeth; I know, but please try this? For me?

Keith; an appointment, for next week.

Elizabeth; Honey!

Keith; Ok...for tomorrow?

Elizabeth; I will call her now.

Keith; She is up at this hour?

Elizabeth; She has an automated scheduler that lists her schedule.

Keith; Oh.

Keith thinks; While I wait for the schedule I should investigate the Weisman and see what information I can obtain.

Keith; Dear...I need to step out for some fresh air.

Elizabeth; Ok...can I do anything to help?

Keith; Yes...Please pray for me.

Elizabeth; I love you Keith.

Keith; I love you too Elizabeth.

I dress in black, since it can serve as a dual purpose. Most of the art crowd dresses in black, and it will help me sneak around parts of the Weisman that might be restricted?

After an hour of looking around, I find nothing and I am about to leave when I notice one of the paintings shine with blue light, and I hear a voice.

Blue Fire Alien; Are you Time Agent Keith? It is so hard for me to concentrate...

Keith; Yes. I am the one you speak off, but I must be dreaming? Did I become bored with the museum and fall asleep in a corner of the this art building?

Blue Fire Alien; No, you did not...Please follow me, and try to keep quiet.

The alien leads me to a sculpture, that happens to have a secret passage way. I climb down and I see an entryway lit in blue light. Then the unexpected happens! My cell phone rings, and it's my wife Elizabeth, probably wondering where I am at?

Alarms go off!

Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 12 "One Last Dance"



Friday, February 23, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 10 "Imperfect World"

Haley and Elizabeth just back to the house from the hospital. I got back just minutes before they did.

Keith; How is our little princess?

Elizabeth; The Doc said Haley is just having recurring nightmares. No much the can do.

Keith; Did Haley go into anymore detail?

Elizabeth; All we could come up with is that she has a friend named Ben that protects her when she is in the bad place.

Keith; Ben Robison?

Elizabeth; She did not know his last name, but just his name is Ben and he has other friend that are dressed up like they are going sunday church.

Keith thinks; The Galileen Time Agency?

Elizabeth; Honey you are pale again...what is wrong?

Keith; I was at my appointment with the meditation specialist and I was guided to the visons from my bad dreams, and I seen Ben, along with a group of well dressed people.

Elizabeth; What does this mean honey? (frightened look on her face)

Keith; I wish I knew, but seems that there is not much to guided meditation so I brought Kirk through it and he had similiar visions. From what we can gather, this "bad place" has people who are violent, and there is a man in silver armor.

Haley; Don't fworget the blue nwice man, and these thwings. (Haley holds up a triangle shaped toy)

Keith; You are right princess, I won't forget about that.

Elizabeth; What should we do honey?

Keith; For now, the best we can do is pray.

Keith thinks; I could not forget what Ben said to me in my vision. "You shouldn't be here! This is not the way to help us!"

I wonder what can I do to help? Maybe I can get inside the Weisman Art Musuem and see if anything looks out of place?

Elizabeth; Honey, it is your turn to make dinner.

Keith; Oh, yeah, that's right! I better check our schedule to remember what I promised.

Keith thinks; Roasted Eggplant Soup? Yuck...but then Elizabeth does make delicious meaty meals for me and the kids, so I best not complain.

Funny thing is I bounce back and forth from this life, to another that naggs at me that I am single? I wonder is real, and I believe that inside the Weisman Art Center is where I will find the answers.

Nathaniel; Daddy! Don't forget that after dinner, it is our boys night!

Keith; Let me guess? Nintendo Wii till bedtime?

Nathaniel; Yup!

Keith; I am looking forward to it son! Can you help me cut the eggplant?

Nathaniel; Yuck!

Meanwhile deep inside the Weisman Art Center...

Silver Armored Man; The world is changing. We must press harder! I must obtain my goal!

Blue Fire Alien; No...please end this madness...I can't hold this together for too much longer...

Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 11 "Blue Hell"



Thursday, February 22, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 9 "Bad Dreams"

I woke up in a cold sweat! I could not believe the bad dreams I had throughout the night! I notice my daughter Haley in bed with me and my wife once again. My daughter Haley has been having nightmares for the past several days. She still will not let us know the things that were happening in her bad dream.

All I can go on is Haley's mutterings of monsters, blue nice man, silver mean man, and Ben friend.

After me and my wife discussed this, my wife Elizabeth decides to take Haley to the child care pychistrist at the hospital she works at. Elizabeth asks me if I want to come for my situation too?

I state that I am having trouble recalling what the details, but they are very intense and a child pyche would probably not help, so I book an appointment with the our guided mediation guy at my work, who helps when staff gets stressed out on the show.

We keep our cell phones on so we can give each other updates, and I head to work.

Keith; Kirk in?

Front desk girl; Yes Mr. Stan-Ge-Land, he is in.

Keith; Please call me Keith

Front desk girl; Yes...Mr. Stangeland

Keith thinks; It may take a while to train that one in. I so hate being called Mr. Stan-ge-land, or Sir!

Keith; Kirk! Can you help me out with something?

Kirk; What can I do you for sir?

Keith; Kirk! Please call me Keith.

Kirk; Ok, Sir...Keith

Keith; I have been having some bad dreams last night. They were very intense. Would you have time to guide me through them?

Kirk; Yes Sir! I mean, Keith...sir.

Keith thinks; I am not going win:(

Kirk; Have you been experiencing alot of stress lately?

Keith; No, everything has been wonderful!

Kirk; How about any changes?

Keith; Yeah! A lot changes, but they all seem great!

Kirk; Lets get you to lay back, and I will dim the lites. Relax and think of one of the things you remember from your bad dream.

Keith; I remember blue lights.

Kirk (startled); I have seen them too in my dreams and the night sky!?

Keith; Yeah! One night I seen a burning blue lighted pyramid!

Kirk; Let's get you relaxing, and start the meditation. I am interested in finding out what is happening in your melon?

Kirk gets the music going and the guided meditation works better than I thought! I instantly go into rem sleep.

I see people that were in my dream, but they are angry and they have fangs like vampires! As I run I see the sky is blue with light, but it is dark and everything looks dead. Not alive and beautiful like our reality. Then I am floating above the city and I see pyramids everywhere, except in the center of it all is the Weisman Art Building.

As I desend, I see a gathering of people. I float down closer and I tap one of the men on the should and to my amazement it's...

Ben Robison; Keith! You shouldn't be here! This is not the way to help us!

Next time; a Wonderful Wife Part 10 "Imperfect World"



Wednesday, February 21, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 8 "Talk Show Prep"

I convinced my wife to surrender the key to the office in my garage, so I could try and get some research in! After 4 hours came and went and I was shockingly surprised at what info I gained!

There is no crime in the world. People live til 150 years, and pass away peacefully. Very few illnesses, and no fatal diseases. There is no national or international debt. No fossil fuels, just solar and electric, and some nuclear energy. No wars, or history of wars ever. I was taken back by how seemily perfect this world is?

I also did some searching for my friends Ben Robison, Sarah Lawrence, and Anna Bruhn. All of them were missing, including several other single friends of mine. Everyone of the time agents from the Galileen Time Agency do not exist.

This world must be illusionary, bt yet the memories are getting stronger and stronger, like I am coming out of a bad dream and waking up to paradise!

I leave the house and make a stop to the writers and I hope that they have scripts?
The writers have material, but it reads like old comedy show scripts!

I feel like I am living in a 1950s tv series!

I am glad that I won't need to have anything ready till the weekend, so I can pace myself.

I take a writer and a camera man, and let them know that we are taking the show to the streets. After hours of interviews, everyone we talked to has a great life. No one is hurting, and everyone uses the words "Amazing" or "Wonderful"!
I am not sure how I am going to make a show out of this fluffy stuff, so I take the info to the producer of the show, and to my amazement, he says; "Amazing"!
I decide to test something and I ask the producer how is his wife, and he says "Wonderful"!
I ask one of the women on staff how is the hubby and she says "Amazing"!
I am a bit creeped out at this point and suspect something is really wrong.
Back to the internet I go! I get back home and unfortunately my wife has a message on the door again. "No Entry"!
Elizabeth; Keith! Please sit down with your family and have a meal?
Keith; Ok dear.
Elizabeth; You look pale honey. What is wrong.
Keith; Just a rough day at work.
Elizabeth; I sure tomorrow will be "Amazing"!
Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 9 "Bad Dreams"

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 7 "Honey Do Day"

Monday Morning February 19th, and just when I thought I would be able to get my research in, my wife handed me the list! The "Honey Do" list! One look at it and figured that it would take up my entire day!

My wife's response was;

Elizabeth; This will keep you out of trouble since you are not taping your show today! (She smiles)

Keith; You want me to pick up women's things?

Elizabeth; You are a big enough man to handle it, and don't worry about the kids! My mother will be watching them today while I am at work. Have fun, and stay...out...of...trouble (She gently pokes my chest with her finger on each word) I love you honey! (She kisses me on the lips)

Keith; Can I stop by the comic shop?

Elizabeth; Nope! Not in the budget. Love you! (She heads off to work)

Keith thinks; Bummer! Maybe I can quickly go to my office and look up stuff before I go out?

Keith runs to his office in the garage and is unpleasently surprised...

Keith thinks; Elizabeth knew I was gonna go to my office. Not only did she lock my office door, but she took the key off my keyring and posted a note on the door, stating "Not till all on the list is completed and I am back home", and to top it all off, Elizabeth attached fake "Police Tape" across the door, so if I broke it she would know! Elizabeth is a very clever woman!

Since I am in the garage, I best be on my way to complete this list:( Maybe I can get back with plenty of time to retrieve the info I am looking for?

Most of the items cannot be mentioned, due to woman items, and these errands brings me through most parts of the city! I notice that many of the building structures have pyramid shapes. As I drive past the Foshey Tower, I notice that it is closed for remodeling. I wonder what happened to the "Galileen Time Agency"?

When did Minneapolis decide to get a pyramid motif? I best be on to the next item on the list or Elizabeth will be upset with me, if I am not back by 6pm! Next stop, the Saint Paul U of M campus!

Well that is odd? Out of all of the buildings I have seen, the Weisman Art Museum has not changed? Maybe it would not be artistic if it was shaped like a pyramid?

I can't believe how fast time went? I best get back home and complete several of the house projects.

Upon returning home, I go directly to his office, only to find a note that states "See me first!"

Keith thinks; Just when I thought I had a chance! Oh well, I am sure that Elizabeth wants to know that I picked up everything?

Inside the house...

Elizabeth; Thank you honey! (She kisses me) You did everything on the list! Time for your reward! Let's go immediately to the jacuzzi!

Keith; Ahhh...dear, what about my resear...

Elizabeth; Shhhh...come with me. (She takes my hand) The kids won't be back til morning.

Keith thinks; I feel like I am being purposely kept away from the computer?
Meanwhile, deep inside the Weisman Art Museum...
Silver-Armored Man; All is going according to my plans!

Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 8 "Talk Show Prep"!



Monday, February 19, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 6 "Happy Kids"

Ever encounter a time where a kid was so excited that he or she could not slow down in talking about what they did in order to understand them?

My son Nathaniel, and my daughter Haley were keeping me and my wonderful wife busy! They had just came back from a week with their Grandma's house (My Mom in Law Patti) Grandma Patti spoiled them rotten! Haley was asking if she could have a pony, since they rode on one during the week.

After a full weekend the kids are still not bored with the yard project! We unveiled it on Sunday to our little ones, and we invited all the kids in the neighborhood to come and play. It was a mob scene of parents and their children, but it was a blessing!

The yard project is a very large playground. Biggest one I have ever seen, and built for that matter! Thankfully our ROCK community pitched in and Elizabeth and I decided to make it large enough for the entire community to enjoy.

Sunday ended up being a full day, and all the parents thanked us for building the playground and letting them be a part of it. Their kids were overjoyed! We thanked all of the couples that helped us build it. We are amazingly blest!

I could not help but wonder why the pre-designed playground had many pyramid shapes to it? Even the sandbox that contains it, is triangle shaped. This brings me back to the object I seen in the sky of a blue fire pyramid hovering and then quickly disappearing! I did not tell my wife, because I did not want to alarm her.

Once we got the kids tucked into bed I let Elizabeth know that I needed to research material for my upcoming show. She understood, but she still wanted to spend time with me. I promised I would make it up to her the following night.

In the office I immediately went to the internet to look up info on the friends that I believe are missing and further info on my surroundings, and before I could get the computer warmed up...I was interupted...

Haley; Daddie...I can't sweep (she rubbed her eyes and was crying)

Keith; What is wrong dear?

Haley; I had a scwary dream.

Keith; Can you tell me about it?

Haley; No...too scwary.

Keith; Alright dear, I will bring you to Mommies and my bedroom and you can sleep with us...will that help?

Haley; Yes Daddie! I be swafe with You and Mommie!

Keith thinks; So much for my research? Maybe I can get some research done Monday morning?

Next Time; a Wonderful Wife Part 7 "Honey Do Day"



Friday, February 16, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 5 "Finishing the Yard Project"

After an hour of discussing the yard project, we decide to build it much bigger for all to enjoy and recruit help in finishing this project! Our neighborhood community of Rockers is huge and after a number of phone calls, we established shifts for Friday February 16th. Thankfully I have Friday off! I don't do work fridays, except for this home project! A number of our Rockers in our community work during the day so we recruited Rockers who own their own businesses for the morning shift. These Rockers gladly took time away from their paid work projects to help us.

The first shift workers are the Grunditz's, Brenne's, Keippela's, and the Oyen's.

Second shift; Sluiter's, Sluiter's, and Sluiter's:)

Third shift; Johnson's, Rundquist's, Howard's, and Luebbe's

After the work got done, we covered the project in a big tarp, and then we busted out a huge potluck dinner, ate and socialized together until the service started for the ROCK.

John Rundquist called Pastor Mark Darling, and we planned to hold the ROCK service in my huge backyard, since the weather was amazingly beautiful!

All of this reminded me of this verse from Acts 2:46 - Every day they continued to meet together in the community. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.

Our community ROCKs! We had a greet time, and the message from Pastor Mark was amazing! The socializing lasted til 10pm, and then our community of friends went back to their homes.

I couldn't help but notice that everyone at the dinner and the ROCK service is married! A number single Rockers were missing. Maybe they were on vacation?

Keith; Hey Elizabeth did you see our small groupies at the dinner or the ROCK service today?

Elizabeth; Yes, I seen the Brenne's, Rosenzwieg's, Johnson's, Dehnke's, Shrode's, Drew's, and Lewis's.

Keith; Did you see the Robison's?

Elizabeth; Who are the Robison's? Are they new to our group?

Keith thinks; I froze at that moment, and then I asked another question.

Keith; Did you see Anna?

Elizabeth; Keith, you are more social than me. When you see them, point them out so I can meet them. I am sure they are great people.

Keith thinks; These people are friends of mine and my wife doesn't know who they are? Very odd? I best play along and see what happens?

Keith; Dear! I am going outside to make sure everything is picked up.

Elizabeth; Sounds good honey. I am starting the jacuzzi, so don't take long. (she smiles)

Keith thinks; The yard looks amazingly clean, unlike most of my ROCK parties that I hosted at my townhouse.

What was that?!?

A bright blue light just jetted through the sky, and it looks triangler?

After looking at it more intentively it's a bright blue glowing pyramid, and it seems to be on fire?

Next Time; Happy Kids!



Thursday, February 15, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 4 "Meet the Neighbors"

Thursday evening 6pm, after a long day of taping for the upcoming talk show, I walk next door to see Kurt, and I encounter a young lady at Kurt Johnson's backyard patio table.
Keith; Good evening young miss, is Kurt around?
Young ladie; Yes, Keith, he is inside, I wanted to enjoy the outdoors, and get my studying in for a big test tomorrow.
Keith; What test are you studying for?
Young ladie; I told you before Keith, Medical studies. Is your love for meat clouding your memory?
Keith; Did my wife tell you what I ate last night!?!
Young ladie; Yup! Grilled New York Strip! I recommend delicious veggies, salads, brocolli...
Keith; Yardwork. Yuck! Why is Kurt inside?
Young ladie; House project. Kurt is working on the bookshelves. I felt it best to study outside.
Keith; Don't you find it odd that it feels like a summer day in February?
Young ladie; Now I know that the meat is taking a toll on your memory! Weather control satellites silly!
Keith; Ahhh...I took the weather control satellites for granted...thanks...I will find Kurt now.
Keith thinks; Weather control satellites? Explains why it feels great out, but you would think it would have reprocussions elsewhere? I wonder if that woman is Kurt's girlfriend?
Keith; Hey Kurt! You in?
Kurt Johnson; Hey Keith! How are you doing today?
Keith; Just wanted to stop by and say hi to the neighbors! With the way life goes so fast, I feel like I don't slow down enough and catch up.
Kurt Johnson; How is the tv show treating you?
Keith; Tough day today, but the career is still awesome! I love entertaining people. How is life treating you?
Kurt Johnson; My wife Krista and I are doing great! My wife is wonderful! We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary last night on V-Day, and she is recovering well after baby Britta.
Keith; Is baby Britta sleeping?
Kurt Johnson; Yeah, so I should go outside so we keep the noise down. Say Keith, ever think to yourself that this just can't be real?
Keith; Yeah! Every day. Maybe it is because I been single for so long that it feels like this is a dream!
Kurt; Lets go have some fun and greet the neighbors?
Keith thinks; I can't believe my brother from another mother, Kurt Johnson is married? He is quite the swinger, but I know that he always wanted to hook up! Kurt's wife is a hottie!
Kurt and I go around the neighborhood chatting with the neighbors and I realize that most of them our Rockers! The Stahl's, Quickert's, Allebach's, Rosenzwieg's, Trautman's, Brenne's and the list goes on! If any of them were single they are now all married, except for a few guys and gals.
I notice something odd. Every house has a triangle shape on each doorway?
Keith; Kurt, we have quite the Holy community.
Kurt; That we do brother! It's like heaven on earth!
Keith think; Then it hit me? Are we in heaven? It would explain alot, but then we wouldn't be dependant of physical things or money. It just seems so darn close to it.
Kurt; He Keith! Time for us to check out Marlon Sluiters HOT wife Shayna!
Keith thinks; Definately not in heaven if we are checking out other guys wives!
Keith; Holy Hannah Barbarah!!! Shayna is HOT!
Kurt; I know! No matter what day of the week she always looks...
Shayna; Hello boys!
Elizabeth and Krista (almost in unison); Checking out Marlon's wife again?
Keith and Kurt (in unison); Busted!
Elizabeth; You are grounded (She smiles)
Keith: See ya later Bro!
Elizabeth; We seriously need to get the project done before Sunday, and we are only 15% of the way to finishing the project! The kids come back home on Sunday at noon.
Keith; I got an idea!:)
Next Time; Finishing the Yard Project!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 3 "Happy Valentines Day"

Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14th. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's, candy, or donations to charities, often anonymously. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines". Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid
. Since the 19 century handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

How are me and Elizabeth, my wonderful wife spending Valentines Day?
With a delicious fine dining experience at Sophia. Sophia is an authentic 1930s era art deco jazz nightclub in the French Bistro style. An elegant and romantic setting, they showcase the Hottest Jazz Talent in the metro area. Sophia is the place to go for an intimate dinner. Enjoy an evening of fine dining, music and dancing. Elizabeth and I are here for all of the above!
Elizabeth has the Chicken Caesar Salad made of Romaine lettuce, parmesan cheese, croutons, and Creamy Caesar dressing.
I have the Grilled New York Strip with Bordelaise and served with potato and daily vegetable.
Elizabeth; You and your meat. (she chuckles)
Keith; You and your yard work.
Elizabeth; Ha Ha, Very funny! Speaking of yard work, when do you think we will get that yard project completed?
Keith; Before the kids are brought back home.
Elizabeth; Mr. Optimistic! We have already spent three days and we are not even halfway through.
Keith; That's because we took too many breaks.
Elizabeth; Yeah, but you have to admit it was fun?
Keith; Yes I admit it, but as of tomorrow, it is back to business.
Elizabeth; Yes boss. (she chuckles)
Keith thinks; I couldn't help but notice that everyone here is married. Rings all around. Where are the young dating couples tonight? And I thought about Kurt Johnson, one of my rocker friends that would loved to be married someday soon?
Keith; I have not heard from Kurt Johnson in a while.
Elizabeth; Why don't you just take a walk next door and say hi?
Keith; Kurt Johnson is our next door neighbor?
Elizabeth: Yes, silly! Is that Grilled New York Strip interfering with your memory?
Next Time; Meet the Neighbors!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

a Wonderful Wife Part 2 "Meet the Mrs"

Keith thinks; I could not believe my eyes! This incredibly attractive young woman is my wife! I have always fallen for redheads with green eyes! First off, I don't remember ever being married, let alone being a "Prime Time Talk show host! So far, some of my dreams have come a reality? Maybe this is just an elaborate dream and I will soon wake up, but the funny thing is that other memories are starting to take over. I remember getting married, having our too amazing kids, and landing an amazing career as a talk show host for Minneapolis and Saint Paul. I remember many editorials stating that I am one of the best!

I am starting to remember my beautiful wife. Her name is Elizabeth. I remember that we meet when I was trying out rock climbing for the first time. It was a comedy of errors. We dated for a year and then got married.

Elizabeth works for the Abbott Northwestern Hospital as an administrator or something? I keep forgeting her exact job title? For fun, Elizabeth loves adventure like I do, and loves the outdoors! She paints with oils and sometimes watercolor as a hobby, she loves children, helps out with child care at church, and serves without complaint. Elizabeth loves the word and Christ is number one in her life! She leads a womans group, weekly. Elizabeth is a wonderful wife!

I am married with children. Nathaniel (age 5), and Haley (Age 3). I was reminded that we have been married for over 11 years. My wife still looks amazing now as she did on our wedding day.

After finishing breakfast I went back to our bedroom, and got ready for our day at the Minnesota Zoo with the kids. My wife held me and pecked me on the lips, and then we got the kids in the car. I can't believe how well behaved they are and we went off to the zoo.

The Minnesota Zoo suprised me, since I never remember the exhibits being interactive. My kids were actually playing with the monkeys! I got to ride a moose with Nathaniel! I don't remember the IMAX theather looking like a Pyramid, but maybe they made some renovations? After a full day, it was time to get back home.

On our way back, I thought I saw something odd in the sky? Maybe just the stress of adjusting to this reality. I pinched myself, and I have not woken up yet.

Once we got back to the house, my mother-in-law Patti (a wonderful mom-in-law) took the kids for the week. My wife and I were going to have the week to ourselves, but I was also reminded that we had a yard project to do the next morning and not having the kids around would make it easier to do.

My wife Elizabeth started the outside jacuzzi and we broke open a bottle of wine.

Elizabeth; Keith, you are an amazing husband!

Keith; Elizabeth, you are a Wonderful Wife, and this life is everything I dreamed about and more.

Elizabeth smiles and says; May I have one of your amazing massages?

Keith; Why of course my dear!

Keith thinks; I remember watching the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" and I think that I am living it, but slightly differently. In the movie, George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) wishes he never excited and it unravels the wonderful life he knew.

I my case, I got married and I can't believe how blest I have become. Granted, I had many blessings, but never married, since it seemed so challenging to get past, and I felt like I would never have some gal love me. This is the greatest thing ever! I hope I never wake up!!!

Elizabeth; Time for bed! We need to work on the yard project early. The sooner we get done, the more time for us!

Keith; YES!

Keith thinks; I have never felt more blest in my life. I just realized that it is february 10th, and it is as warm as summertime. Usually there is snow covering and it is colder than the freezer! Very odd weather!? Whoa! I did not realize how tired I was.

Elizabeth; Honey! Time for bed!

Keith; Coming dear.

As Keith walks by the large bedroom window he notices a blue glowing object dart through the sky and thinks "What was that!?!"

Next Time; A Wonderful Wife Part 3 "Happy Valentines Day"



Monday, February 12, 2007

It's a Wonderful Wife Part 1 "Waking up!"

Last thing I remember, I was just shaking off the link with the blue fire alien that suddenly sacrified himself to rid the world of the Krampus during Christmas. I was stranded on an untamed wooded world, which was all wilderness. During my backup plan, I lost grip of my time control console and the time control console slipped in the time void, and I woke up in the wooded world. After learning to adapt to these surroundings, I took some downtime and slept, and then woke up in this amazing bedroom!
I see a newspaper on one of the chairs. I will check it out. What?! This paper shows the date is Saturday February 10th?! I am back on earth since this paper is the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Anyway, who's house am I in?
Woman's voice; Honey! Are you up? It's almost 10am.
Keith thinks; Maybe it is the wife of my guest? I will just step out on the deck for now? I can't believe how fresh the air is?
Woman's voice; Honey! Where are you hiding?
Keith thinks; I don't want to get in the middle of a domestic spat, so I best go out to the yard. I cannot believe how many acres this place has? Maybe I am at one of the C.E.O.'s home? Wow, is that a garage?
Woman's voice; Honey!?
Keith thinks; Wherever her husband is, he is going to be in big trouble? Holy cats, this guys got some cool vehicles! I wonder what is behind door #1? I am amazed that the garage doesn't smell like gas or oil.
Woman's voice; Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes. I know that bacon is your favorite.
Keith thinks; Ohhhh, I don't want to miss breakfast! But I do have 15 minutes. I can't believe this place, this office looks amazing. I will just check stationary to see which C.E.O. of the time agency that am I at?
Kids voices; Daddy where are you? Breakfast is ready soon!
Keith thinks; Busy, noisy place. I...I can't believe it? Why is my full name on this stationary? It is as though this is my office away from the workplace?
Kids voices; Daddy!?
Keith thinks; I better peek my head out and help the kids find their dad? sign of them? Maybe 15 minutes have passed and it's time for breakfast. I am sure they found their dad? I better head back to that guest bedroom, and get dressed quickly. I don't want to miss out on bacon!
Keith is still a bit overwhelmed by his surroundings, and runs back to the bedroom. After getting dressed, Keith makes his way to the kitchen.
Woman; There you are, we have been wondered where you went off too. Please sit and eat your favorite breakfast. Eggs, toast and Bacon!
Keith; Thank you. You and your family are very kind.
Woman; LOL, are you joking with us again? You are such a good actor.
The woman kisses Keith on the forehead. And the kids smile. Keith suddenly freezes and looks around the room for the husband, but does not see him.
Girl Kid; Daddy (the kid looks at Keith) are we going to the Zoo today? I love the monkeys!
Boy Kid; Yeah, and I wanna see the 3-D movie at the Imax!
Keith finds it hard to concentrate as he realizes that he is the husband!
Keith; Ahhh...yes to all those things, now I need to finish my breakfast.
Woman; Honey you look pale, are you feeling ok?
Keith; Yes...dear...I am feeling good...I mean great...I had you all fooled like I was some stranger to this house didn't I?
Woman; Yes you did honey. You are very good at acting. That is one of the reasons why you are one of the best prime time talk show hosts out there?
Keith thinks; WHAT???
Next Time; A Wonderful Wife Part 2 "Meet the Mrs."