Saturday, May 19, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 7 Super Wrap Up Saturday

As I woke up on Saturday morning I just could not get Elizabeth out of my mind. Especially since she was wrapped around me all night. I could hear the kids being restless in Lizzy room. I wonder what Lizzy might of been thinking?

I had a busy day ahead as the plan would be to hang out with my friends Nate, at around 11:30am and we were hanging with Ben, Seth, and Matt later at 4pm for Bowling.

I went downstairs to my computer. (My morning ritual) and I seen an e-message back from Rhoda. I hade sent one to her before bed last night and already got a reply.

My message was this;

To: Rhoda
From: Keith S
Hey Rhoda,
Glad to get a quick response! Yes I am interested in getting to know you better.
What do you like doing for fun?
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors best?
Do you serve at charities or help at soup kitchens to feed homeless and children in need.
The reason why I ask these questions is to know where you heart is. As you said, pictures can show one side, but the heart is forever.
I love being outside as much as possible. I love hiking, kayaking, camping, rock climbing, and just chilling on the beach.
I spent time in Peru helping build two homes and repaired one roof for people in a poor neighborhood, and part of the team I was on made the Peruvian newspaper. As our reward we went to Machu Pichu and it was incredlibly majestic!
I love serving and one of my favorite non profits is "Feed my Starving Children"
Write soon!

Keith S
Date:May 11, 2007 9:46 am
Subject:Hi KEITH
Hi Keith,
Thanks for the mail,
I love to Read and sometimes Swim for fun and also play with my bass guitar
I do prefer indoor best and i do serve at charities i played with children alot love to play with them....yeah am plain and Tender hearthed, Caring Faithful and above all God Fearing....Kno­w what i love your qualities and i do Travell i love to meet new people probably make friend....
Guess what am a Mixed Race....Dad from the United states and Mum a Nigerian...he told me that before his Death late Last year he said he met my mum when he were to execute a contract over there in Nigeria and guess what here in Nigeria to pay Mum a Courtesy Visit after my Final Examination at the College...I hope to read from yo soon.
Bye and stay cooollllllllll­llllllllllllll­­


She seems friendly enough:)

I called C.E.O. Harrington to see if they obtained some new info?

C.E.O. Harrington; Come to headquarter immediately!

Keith; Ok, whatever for?

C.E.O. No questions! Get here A.S.A.P.

I could not understand why Harrington was so demanding but I decided I best check in soon and get this over with before one of my best friends Nate Howard comes over!

Once I entered a slowly fading Galileen Time Agency building, I was tackled by my collegees and brought to the lab. I seemed like I was asleep for days, when I came too, and seen a face that I though we lost.
O'Malley; Welcome back Time Agent Keith, how are you doing?
Keith: I thought you were missing.

O'Malley: I was here the whole time! Trying to figure out what was happening to you. The "Blue Fire Alien" left behind such a powerful residue that it started affecting your mind and you were imagining the former "Married World" mixed in with you own world.

Keith: So, what is true and what is not true?

O'Malley: The report is all here, so read it at your leisure. In the meantime you need to get back home and meet your friend Nate.

I decided to read the full report later. I had a grand saturday of hanging with one of my best freinds Nate and then connecting with our friends Ben, Matt, and Seth for Bowling. Nate and I then went to our friend Rachel's 30th b-day party, and then to Spiderman 3 with his girlfriend, and our mutual friend Sarah Lawrence.
Once I got home, I wondered what it would be like to finally have a sweety! I opened my e-mail and got a real shock!
From: Rhoda W.

To: Keith
Date:May 12, 2007 10:19 am
Subject:I Am Fortunate
Dear Keith,
I just want you to know that I am very fortunate and very lucky to have you in my life. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You made me very happy and you made my life complete.
The first time I saw your pic was the best time in my life. You're the one who taught me how to love again. You gave so much happiness and so much love to my heart ... keep in mind always that whatever happens, "You're my one and only love." I love you with all my heart and soul.
Thank you, my love, for loving me and for giving me a chance to show you how much I love you and how much you mean the world to me. I know we're a thousand miles apart right now, but I'll be right here waiting for you, my love. I love you always and forever.
Love always,

From Rhoda W.

To: Keith
Date:May 12, 2007 10:22 am
Subject:The Day We Met
Dear Keith,
The day we met is the day I will never forget. Over and over I replay our chat and our first mailing conversation in my mind! You are so amazing you drive me crazy! You make me feel so happy and complete. If I hadn't met you. I know I'd still be searching... searching for you!
Ever since that special day, we have both grown in such a special way. And although I don't say it as often I want, I do want to say it now or else time will just pass me by again and I'll only keep wondering when. I want to say, "I love you, I need you, and I want you." Thank you for all the beautiful e-mails you've sent me, all the wonderful gifts you've mailed me and all the sweet words that just seem to be said at the right time and the right place.
You have the key to my heart and one day, when we meet, we will never, ever be apart! Alas! To finally kiss your tender warm lips, to feel your gentle hands, to look into those soft brown eyes and know you are the one I've been waiting for! I Love you, Keith! "Ich liebe dich."
Yours and only yours,
Crap! I didn't think this e-mailing would turn into an obsessive situation!

Next Time: What is love? Baby don't hurt me!



Friday, May 18, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 6 Freakish Friday

Friday! Finally I made it to Friday! This is the start of my three day weekend every week! Unfortunately I had some unfinished business! I found out that my house in on top of a time anomaly!

In my bed I found a ghost. During one of my previous adventures I encountered another dimension in which I was married, but it was a dimension that voilently invaded our world with the help of a "Blue Fire Alien" and a disgruntled Galileen Time Agency worker named Donovan that simply wanted to win his x-wife back to him, so the only way this could work was to manipulate time and space and everyone became married except for management workers of the Galileen Time Agency and the very strong will of Donovan's ex-wife. These people that were fighting Donovan's will were sent to a type of hell.
I quickly called C.E.O. Harrington and asked him if Donovan was safely locked away. And Harrington gave some shocking news. Donovan was missing! I asked if I need to come in to run and investigation. C.E.O. Harrington said that he was sending Zedmore on it, and asked me to try and sit back and enjoy my weekend.
With the disappearance of O'Malley and Donovan, I found it hard to relax.

For some strange reason, I decided to go onto a website called "Tagged". My friend Teresa from Peru sent me the link so her and I could stay in touch. As I was trying to relax and puruse the website I noticed an attractive face. Her name is Rhoda (Pictured above), and I normally don't do this but I sent a message to Rhoda, that went like this.
To: Rhoda W
Date: May 11, 2007 8:41 am
Subject: no subject

Hey Rhoda, How is life in flordia?
Interested in knowing you better!
Write soon.
To my surprise I received a quick e-message back!
To: Keith S

Date: May 11, 2007 8:49 am

Subject: Hi...Keith

Hi, So, looks like the time has arrived for me to start using this account. I can resist it no more! I took a look at your profile and well, I liked what I saw.. ;p
So um, my name is Rhoda. I think you and I should probably be friends, because you seem pretty fun, and maybe even cute! (it's so hard to tell in this digital world :)
anyway, i'd go on all day, but I want to get an answer from you.. , I'm always on over there: Then maybe we could chat sometime! Here is my Yahoo IM you know what they say.. looks wins over the eyes, but personality wins over the heart.. haha..
Talk to you soon,
I never experienced such an eager e-message before.
Suddenly I hear the sound of a woman crying. It sounded like Elizabeth. I still remember her voice and how she would cry. That dimension really left an impression on me.
The crying got stronger and I was drawn to a mirror in the hallway where I seen my wife from the "Married" dimension reaching out her arms to me and asking me to come to her.
I needed to get out of the house! I jumped into my car and drove to a nearby park. I stayed until Rock time. I had a hard time concentrating on the ROCK message since I could not get Elizabeth out of my head.
Once home, I avoided the mirror since it freaked me out, and I noticed something out. When I was not in the light, my skin would glow blue.
Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 7 Super Wrap Up Saturday

Thursday, May 17, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 5 Thankful Thursday

Thursday morning and even though I had to go into work, I was still thankful. Not because I have a job, but there is many more reasons to be thankful. we need to always count our blessings. One blessing for me is that Thursday is my Friday!!! Secondly it was to be a short day since I took time off to celebrate my friend Tom HIpp's 45th B-Day party!

Before I could partake in the surprise b-day party for Tom, I needed to work out some research and once I checked in to work I found out that O'Malley turned up missing.

I went to C.E.O. Harrington's office and checked to see if I could help find O'Malley . Harrington sternly said no and asked me to finish up my current project. He added that he can't afford to having me casing after every missing person, even if it involves me in some way or another.

As I was doing research, I did find a lead that was bringing me into O'Malleys time anomaly location! The dimensioal wall was becoming fragile in my neighborhood and C.E.O. Harrington was working out a project for me to investigate, but unfortunately he needed to go thru upper management, and as we all know, upper management is never quick about anything!

Soon party time and I am so looking forward to suprising my friend Tom, and suddenly I get an alert from my neighborhood! I call C.E.O. Harrington and let him know that my research and O'Malley's intersected, but he was not willing to send me out just yet. I replied; I am just going to be in the middle of it anyway.

Even with that said, Harrington would not budge!

Thankfully the day went by fast and I was off driving to Tom' place. Our friends Debra and Gordy masterminded the surprise b-day party and Tom had no clue. We had a great time of celebrating and talking about old stories and then Tom wanted to watch so ROCK TV episodes. I am thankful to have Tom Hipps as a great friend of mine. At this point I was very exhausted and I felt it was time to get home.

Once home I turned on the tv to see that the cable tv was no longer on. This was normal since I don't pay for it, but I was shocked that the talk show was on tv. Where did someone get the footage. Maybe there is a practical joke brewing? And O'Malley is the main master mind of it?

I decided to do a little side research at home in my time flyer and I noticed something familar! On the screen of my time flyer I could see an image of a planned neighborhood. Then suddenly I heard a noice and I ran inside. It was the sound of kids again, but this time it was loader and clearer.

I ran upstairs and noticed yet again it was coming from Lizzy's room. Before I couls fully open Lizzy's door, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I nervously turned around, and I seen my room was clean again! Put someone was beneath the sheets!

Thinking that this was a joke that probably involed my roomie, I quickly pulled back the sheets and found...

Elizabeth; Glad you finally made it home. Did you miss me?

Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 6 Fantastic Friday



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 4 Weird Wednesday

I was glad to find a better way to drive into work. The roads were still being worked on and it was not helping my stress levels!
First thing I decided to do was go to O'Malley's office and see if he received my voice message and see if he had any additional infomation on the dimensional anomaly? He was not in his office and the front desk stated that he might be on assignment since he had not checked into work yet. I unfortunately could not afford the luxury of leaving the office. I needed to stay till 9pm and work out some time information.
The day went alot quicker than Tuesday which was odd since I would be putting in a 12 hour day. All the information I had was quite normal. No unusal happenings. I tried O'Malley again, but no answer.
I asked C.E.O. Harrington if I could get access to O'Malley's work since he kind of included me in it. C.E.O. Harrington said that I could not without upper management's approval. I asked if he could push for it.
Meanwhile I did get 30 minutes research time to pursue my own investigation on my neighborhood. Unfortunately I came up with nothing! Everything seemed fine, and then it hit me! The anomalies seem to be happening at night, and O'Malley usually pulls late nights. I was going to be in til 9pm so I asked if I could get more research time at 8:45pm. Unfortunately I was turned down on research.

As I left the workplace, I noticed something odd outside. As I approached my car, it looked different. I knew it was my car, but it was not my sporty Grand Am GT, but a different looking car. I rubbed my eyes and my Grand Am GT was there again.I thought I would give O'Malley one more call, and his line was disconnected. I then turned around to look at his office window as a reflex and the entire Galileen Time Agency was missing!!! RUB THE EYES! RUB THE EYES!

Thankfully the workplace was back and I was leaving another message on O'Malley's voice mail.

As I drove home, I notice the sky was blue and bright, but it was already 9:30pm! Very odd!

Once home I carefully walked into my place, ready for anything!
After about an hour I noticed that everything seemed normal (for my place anyway) and after so much needed e-mail catch up and viewing certain websites, I decided to widedown with watching some DVD shows.
The odd thing is I find out that I somehow have cable tv, and a frightenly simuliar tv talk show comes on!

Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 5 Thankful Thursday


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 3 Terrific Tuesday

Tuesdays work day was going to be a short one. Unfortunately it seemed like the LONGEST DAY EVER!
More of dealing with hostile aliens and time meddlers, paperwork and then...finally my first break! ARRRGGGHHH!!!
Thankfully at my lunch break I got to read the bible and review Colosians chapter 1!
Once I got back to work, O'Malley wanted to see me in his work station. I immediately headed over and he wanted to let me know that he discovered a strange dimensional anomaly. I asked if he had any idea of what it might be? O'Malley stated that it was still in unknown but he would let me know if he found out anything more, since the dimensional anomaly happens to be manifesting in my neighborhood! I asked if I am safe being in the house. O'Malley could only say that he would keep me posted.
After a grueling day of only 8 hours. I normally pull 10, but it seemed so much longer! I was ready for House Church! House Church takes place in Roseville, MN! Not too far from Minneapolis, so it is always a nice quick drive, and it is one of the biggest house churches that the ROCK has! I am blest! Also, we have a great bunch of Brothers and Sisters in Christ that attend this house church.
This Tuesday night, Kevin Meyer started us out in Colosians. Then turn out wasn't as big as we hoped, but then when we were wrapping up the lesson and got done with a closing prayer, I opened my eyes and noticed that they were more people in the room! I did not recognize many of them. They took up every available chair and floor space. I rubbed my eyes and then they were gone.
I stagged over to the cookies and refreshment a bit dazzled, and then after house church was done, I decided to call O'Malley and see if he noticed any dimensional anomalies in Roseville. Unfortunately I only got his voice mail.
I made a quick stop to Cub Foods before getting home and I thought I seen someone familiar? I young woman was going thru the grocery store, but unfortunately the familiarity escaped me.
Arriving home, I got inside and I thought I heard my name? It was a woman's voice. I could not distinquish the voice. I figured that it was just work stress geeting to me. Got to my room and it was cleaned and my bed was made again, but this time it was not illusional. It was really made! I wondered if my parents stopped by and my mom probably could not resist to clean my room and make my bed. Too late to call them now!
Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 4 Weird Wednesday

Monday, May 14, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 2 Manic Monday

Monday morning rush hours was a nightmare! I was not listening to the traffic reports until it was too late that the Hennepin/Lyndale exit was closed for painting. I wish I could use my time flyer, but the Galileen Time Agency restricts my use in the publc view. As usual whenever I am stuck in wall to wall traffic, I grit my teeth, and then I think of all the gas I am running on and the jacked-up price gouging that the gas company are sticking us with! I growl!

My day was going to be a long one since I flex my time during "House Church" weeks. I work for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, but only as a cover for the Galileen Time Agency. It was a rough day of dealing with angry time menaces and other sorted creatures. All the yell and screaming eventually became like white noise.

After a full day of work, I was dreaming of being home and chilling to decompress after a stressful day. Unfortunately I received a phone call that the Millers had an urgent need to use my internet:( So much for a restful night.

I got home and thankful the Millers gave me enough space to make my dinner. I couldn't help but hear voices upstairs, but I figured it was just the sound from downstairs carrying up as the internet and tv was being used. I desended downstairs and ate my dinner as Mike was begging me to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance. After time to digest my dinner, I finally gave in to Mike's request of Marvel Ultimate Alliance and we thankfully defeated the "Grey Gargoyle" which was kicking my Marvel Ultimate Alliance super team down several different times.

It was looking like Mike and Angela were gonna pull a late one at my place, so I let them know that they could stay up, but I was gonna hit the sack. I went to the bathroom, and once I was done, it was like they were never there? I walked around and I could not find them?

Then I heard the voices of children. Crept out, I checked the computer and it was shut off, and the tv was not on. I then went upstairs and heard the voices of children coming from Lizzy's room. I sheepishly open the door, one was in there.

I figured that it must be stress? I grabbed a Sobe (great for anything!) and tried to relax. I entered my bedroom and found my bed was made and the room was clean? This rarely happens unless I am having a house party. I rubbed my eyes and then it was back to it's messiness.
I asked myself, what the heck is going on?
After a call to the Galileen Time Agency, they reported that nothing is wrong with the time stream and there seems to be no paranormal activity at my place.
I got to be losing it all to my stress levels?
Next Time; A Week in the Life Day 3 Terrific Tuesday

Sunday, May 13, 2007

"A Week in the Life" Day 1 Scrumptious Sunday

Sunday morning and I wake up franticly to thinking that I have to get breakfast ready for whatever guys are coming over for Men's Prayer! The griddle was still greasy from the last time we had mens breakfast which was two weeks ago. Thankfully nothing was growing on it. Ahhh, the life of bacholers. Thankfully my good friend Leon was over on Saturday helping me cleanup. My body was a wreck all week. Felt like my head was gonna fall off!

I got the pancake batter mixed up and I hear a knock on the door, and it's...Mike Holley. I look around to see if other men are getting out of their cars and I see no one around. Kind of ghost townish in my neighborhood. For a church that states that we are a church of prayer, we don't see the turnouts. What man in his right mind would turn down free breakfast? Oh well...after about an hour one of my best friends Nate Howard shows up and is appalled at the lack of turn out. I just shrugged my shoulders and we sat down for a quick bite before prayer. Thankfully Marc Holtey showed up, so we had four guys total.

After wrapping up prayer, I had a lunch date with the Bibelheimers! It was a tasty time at "Granite City Grill and Bar". They had the salads, and I had a bacon cheeseburger that was bigger than my head. We chatted about mostly about work, and church, and a certain crush I have on a gal at the Rock. They stated they would pray about it. After a great time of catching up after many many months, we set another date for lunch in the month of June, and I rushed back to the house to clean up before house church. I put the finishing touches on my room and Leon came over early to finish helping clean.

Unfortunately the people who brought the snacks brought very little amounts of snacks so my SG friends were wandering around the kitchen with not much to munch on. The Small Group study was not detailed as it had no bible verses, and no references to go on. It was about creationism vs evolution and how it affects our faith. After a rather grueling discussion during mini group (4 to 5 people per group) we mingled for a while, and then all the ladies left and it was just me and four of my dude friends hanging till 9:30pm!

After they left I ran downstairs to watch my much anticipated cartoon "Justice League". As I was turning on the entertainment system, I noticed a person in the reflection on the glass window. Looked like they were in the room. I turned and I did not see anyone. I called out "Lizzy?, is that you?" No reply. I then wandered thru the house thinking that maybe one of our small groupers was still at my place searching for snacks?
After 10 minutes of searching, I found no one. Then Lizzy came in while I watching "Justice League". I was wrapping up the final season! Lizzy stated that he was turning in, and I decided it was time for bed too. As I passed the mirror in my bedroom, I saw yet another image of a person. I stopped, stepped back and looked, but whatever it was had to be caused by stress, or some uncooked beef?
Next Time; "A Week in the Life" Day 2 Manic Monday