Enilighted! (Detective Mann Series)
The message across the computer continually scrolls, reading "For your own good".
Mann mentions; Who and what are you?
A high priest, a voice states.
Mann asks; Does this have to do with the "Pen of God"?
The Voice states; Yes.
Mann says; I have encountered tougher characters before and I do not plan on letting those goons have the Pen of God, however I cannot try and trick them either, since my secretary Veronica's life is on the line.
The voice says; I am aware of this.
Mann commands; What is your name!
The voice utters; Melchizedek.
Mann then realizes that this is the name inscribed on the items I found on me.
Mann asks this high priest character; Are you trying to hire me or simply highjack me.
Melchizedek says; Ah, your english slang is amusing. I am simply keeping you from giving over an unique power item to an obvious evil influential character.
Mann says; You gotta trust me. I have been doing this kind of stuff for centuries. Not always as a Detective, but I have years of experience.
Melchizedek states; So have I, and if this item falls into their hands, then reality as we know it will cease.
Detective Mann points out to his credentials, however Melchizedek does not look impressed and he then states; I know who you are Detective, however this matter is too dangerous no matter how.... (Melchizedek pauses briefly, and a brief indecipherable whisper is heard) My apologies, I have been asked to give you a chance on this case.
Detective Mann asks; By whom?
Melchizedek says; By a higher authority than myself. You are free to go Detective, however I will be keeping a close watch on you.
Detective Mann; Alright chief, ah, I mean High Priest Melchizedek, wow your name does not really roll off the tongue well.
The High Priest Melchizedek says; I have been told that before by King George VI.
Detective Mann says; I won't let you or your higher authority down.
Next time; Mann's Master Plan