From Peru with Love Part 9 "After Effects"

I am currently blest and a bit overwhelmed by the response of e-mails from our new Peruvian friends. Several of the Peruvians Internet Messages me everyday.
I enjoy getting e-mails from all of them, but my favorites are our translaotrs Alex and Daniel and Miguel the worship leader! I enjoyed Miguels child like excitement for GOD will for his life and how he was emotional and excited for Machu Pichu! Escpecially how nervous he was before the plane ride, and how taken back he was by the town of "Cusco"! He stated how magical it felt to him!
Alex rocks and his music is enjoyable. Alex not only translates but he plays in a band and send me a cool music track via e-mail. Alex is so close to accepting Christ! My friend Nate Howard wjho was also one of our team members, gave Alex a englidh/spansih bible to read. Alex stated that he will be reading it from front to back:)
Daniel is incredible kind and has a great heart! His smile is very warm and friendly and I enjoyed how he helped me with my passion to learn another language. We first talked about my trip to Berlin, Germany and he burned a copy of "Beginning German" for me.
All of our new Peruvian froiends ROCK! THe kids were a blast and we loved how much attention they gave us and how sincerely interested they were in our lives!
They state how much we were a blessing to them, and we state how much they were a blessing to us!
They live so poorly and in harsh conditions and they are sincerely happy! Mostly the christian Peruvians! In american we Christians live so richly, but we tend to be so miserable!
After being there for the week, I was reminded YET again how discontent I am and how I bury myself in junk to entertain myself from boredom. My good friend Nate Howard, is planning to help me post most of my stuff on e-bay and/or other sites to get rid of the unneeded stuff this coming Wednesday.
Will this make me more content? No, but in my attempt to stay satified, I amassed many collectible stuff. I figure with less stuff, I can actually spend more of my time on GOD and less on the unused junk in my life, and see GOD more clearly. Our stuff can easily turn into idols in our lives.
In Peru I noticed that our american marketing was affecting the unsaved Peruvians, as some of them stated that if they had more money, they would be happy. I was shocked by the living conditions some of them had, and yet they had cable tv!
I was told a story of a family that was so poor in another country that all they had was a tent, but for some odd reason, they were able to afford a satelite dish and get Dish Network! How twisted is that. I blame our messed up society and our own individual wicked hearts. We are so selfish and one of the things we do is dig in so deep to materialism that we are trapped in a hole and can't see clearly enough the needs of others.
On a more enlightened note, I was glad to see that a little money went a long way in Peru! The mission support paid for big meals made by our loving hosts, two pre-made homes were built, a roof replaced, souls were won for Christ, and the town of Bonengra became brighter by GODs light!
I am very thankfully for GOD blessing us by being a pioneer team and assisting the Community Church named "Cristo Vive" (Christ Lives) They are currently waiting to hear back from GCLA about being apart of our many churches!:)
I just received an e-mail from that crazy love creature from Silvia's IM. He says, thank you!
Next Time; Tobi Time! A 15 part storyline!