a Wonderful Wife Part 13 "Maybe Someday?"

Being perfectly honest with myself, I have never been anxious to rush to the alter. But I am also honest with myself and not having the gift of singleness.
The threat of Donovan is over. The Time Agents decided to go easy on him and were able to rewrite all the history that Donovan created with our Blue Fire Alien friend. Donovan is locked away for his own good and for the sake of time and our reality.
The Blue Fire Alien helped the Time Agents fix everything, right after he granted me one final wish.
The wish went like this...
Elizabeth; Keith! Where have you been? You have been gone for hours? And it is snowing? I can't believe that we got snow this year?
Keith; The weather satelites are gone.
Elizabeth; You did not answer my question. Where were you?
Keith; With a good friend. He was packing to leave out of town.
Elizabeth; I am glad that you got back home in time for dinner. We decided to have a mix of meat and veggies.
Keith; You are wonderful!
Elizabeth; You look sad. It this because of your friend?
Keith; Yes...but let's not delay our dinner. I am hungry.
We sit down to eat, and after dinner were go to the living room for our nightly bible study. After this we all play our favorite board games.
Elizabeth and I bring the kids to bed. Haley first.
Haley; Daddie, can we plway with the monkeys tomorrow?
Keith; Maybe, my little princess.
Haley; Good nite Daddie, I lwove you and mommie.
Keith; We love you too Haley.
Next we get Nathaniel to bed.
Nathaniel; Dad! Can I get a new PS3?
Keith; Maybe, on your birthday son?
Nathaniel; Awww, that's not until three months from now.
Keith; Patience son. Sleep well.
Elizabeth and I walk to our room, holding hands.
Elizabeth; Should I start the jacuzzi.
Keith; No...I am too tired. Let's just get to bed. It has been a long day.
Elizabeth kisses me and we laydown. I fall asleep quickly and that is when I wake up in my bed at 3am.
It is over. It was wonderful, but not my reality. I sometimes wonder if I ever will meet that special someone and get married?
The longer I am single, the more unlikely I believe that I will ever have a loving wife and family? But it is best for me to be optimistic.
Maybe someday?
Next Time; Thank you faithful readers!