
I was especially blest this year as I received an oven prior to Christmas, as my gift from my Mom and Dad. My brothers bought me Dvds of favorite shows. My brother Scotty bought my the first season boxed set of MacQyver and I still can't get the them song out of my head, or the cheest acting for that matter:) My younger brother got me "Batman Aminated" Season 2 and "Ben 10" Season One! I enjoy cartoons very much!
I was blest most of all by giving and watched my niece Erin, nephew Quin and soon to be new member of the family Kaitlyn open gifts from Santa! They read the letters and I watched the joy on everyones face as they read!
It is good to be a member of the ROCK and take part in spreading joy and gifts to other less fortunate like the moms. dads and kids of Jefferson elementary!
I love this time of year and am anxious for the all church conferance in Lake of the Ozarks Missouri!
I almost forgot one thing! I never asked Santa why an ice monster and then a fiery beast where chasing after me when I took the Item? Those type of things are not Santa's style!
I called Santa on my cell phone and left a message since he was probably still sleeping?
For now it must remain a mystery!
Next Time! "FaithWalking"