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Adventures in Fiction, Fantasy and Sci-Fi
C.E.O. Reigly says; How can we get these people out, without killing them?
Time Agent Keith; They seem to be sestained inside the blue fire energy. They have been inside that for days, and some for weeks and they don't look malnurished. It is keeping them alive.
Ben Robison; I must admit that when I took a dip in the Lake of the Ozarks, I felt amazingly alive and incredibly powerful! They are not in any harm inside the blue fire energy.
C.E.O. Reigly says; But what about their families? They will want an explaination?
Time Agent Keith; The civilian world is not ready for this. As you know, the Galileen Time Agency will take care of them. It is a good thing that the Crystal Skulls have a pocket dimension, otherwise the entire world would be engulfed by this and all of us would be capitve to this blue fire energy.
C.E.O. Reigly says; Very true, good chap, but I still have a concern! With the projected readings of this blue fire energy, if it keeps building, it will blossom into a sun, three times greater than our own! Can the Crystal Skull dimension contain this?
Time Agent Keith; If not, we have another threat on our hands!
Further journaling of Ben Robison; Then the unexpected happened!
Murphy; Fascinating!
Ben Robinson; Waghhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Murphy; Sorry about startling you Ben, but I could not resist witnessing this power source! Yet another problem, courtesy of Keith!
Ben Robison; Why are you always blaming...ahhh nevermind! What do you want???
Murphy; You are doing a good job at hanging with Keith. Soon, ultimate chaos with ensue! You need to be there to stop it! You will be called to do something against your nature!
Ben Robison; If you are so smart, what information can you give us about this current problem with the blue fire energy?
Murphy; Nothing.
Ben Robison; And here I thought that you knew about everything! (Sarcastically stated)
Murphy; What I meant Ben, is to do nothing. It will all sort out itself. You humans need to learn patience!
Murphy vanished...
Time Agent Keith; I believe we can do nothing for them now. Shall we debrief?
What was hours, felt like days to me and Keith, and finally the debriefing was done!
Time Agent Keith; That was longer than usual?
C.E.O. Reigly; There was alot to discuss, but now the moment you have been waiting for! Your time machine!
Time Agent Keith; YES!!! Sorry, I couldn't contain my excitement! Come in Ben, let's take this for a spin!
Ben Robison; What? ROCKTOWN!
Journal entry completed for now!
Keith took the controls and Ben watched in awe! The time machine dematerialized, and then the controller states...
Time Controllers voice; Soon it will be done.
C.E.O. Reigly; Yes, it will finally be completed!
Next Time; The Way Home!
Ben Robison; I think one of those...zombies has a head that looks like cabbage? Wait, it is a cabbage, and the other one has a tomato head!? What!!!
Sarah; Ben bear, what is going on?
Ben Robison; They are vegetable people!?
Vegans all over the U.S. are protesting everywhere about the latest sightings of vegetable people all wondering about the U.S. The Vegans are accusing corporations for chemically engineering their main food source! Media was suppressed on this event, due to keeping panic amongst the masses to a minimum.C.E.O. Reigly; Good Morning Time Agent Keith
Time Agent Keith; What's up Reigly?
C.E.O. Reigly; Vegetable people!
Time Agent Keith; Come again???
C.E.O. Reigly; Vegetable people all over the U.S. are overtaking the U.S. in mass numbers. Thankfully they are not dangerous. They are quite friendly actually.
Time Agent Keith; Do you know how silly that sounds?
C.E.O. Reigly; Dreadfully silly I might add, but this is definately linked to the blue fire energy! Remember in the report that it animated the amish friendship bread. Our thoughts from the agency is that plant life is affected in quite a dramatic way! The plants and vegetables are taking on a freaky looking humanoid appearance!
Time Agent Keith; What does this mean for the U.S.?
C.E.O. Reigly; If this rate of populace continues the human race will not be able to occupy the U.S. In addition, vines, creepers, trees and other plant life are growing over small towns, and crawling into cities!
Time Agent Keith; So...what is our plan of attack?
C.E.O. Reigly; We at the agency are stymied! We are hopeing that you will come up with an ingenius plan!
Time Agent Keith; Great! (said sarcastically)
Meanwhile in the Lake of the Ozarks...
1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy; General, our squad is moving out of instructed! The lake looks like it caught on fire, but we don't feel any heat. Instead we all feel incredible peace! We wish we could stay?
General Greer; I can't afford to lose you 1st Leiutenant Robert McCreedy! Get out of there immediately!
Meanwhile in Iowa one of Keith's best friends Nate Howard puts his sword that he received as a Christmas present from Keith, to good use!
Nate Howard; Glad to have this sword on hand! The interstates are becoming difficult to drive do to creeping plants and vines! I need to call Keith when I get closer into town!Time Agent Keith lands outside of the city limits and the flying car transforms into a Mini Coup. Time Agent Keith thinks that one does not need to be asked questions about a flying car. Time Agent Keith happens upon a young boy and his mushroom collection.
Time Agent Keith; Hello young man.
Young boy Stevie; Hello sir, who are you? Are you with the military, the news paper or some cult?
Time Agent Keith; Those are odd questions! I am not any one of those. My name is Keith. I am aahhh...investigator of unusal happenings.
Young boy Stevie; Like the X-Files?!
Time Agent Keith; Yes, like the X-Files. (Smiles) Your name?
Young boy Stevie; Stevie.
Time Agent Keith; Stevie, I see that you have mushrooms in your box. Do you collect them?
Young boy Stevie; No, they are my friends, or at least, they used to be until this group of people dressed in dresses killed them!
Time Agent Keith; Pardon my unbelief, but you said these mushrooms were alive?
Young boy Stevie; Are you gonna doubt me like the news media and the military?
Time Agent Keith; No Stevie, I have encountered stranger things! You said a group dressed in dresses?
Young boy Stevie; Yeah, I think they were a cult? They said their name was "Star something or another"?